Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

“Not since the re-pass, why?” I questioned, screwing the cap onto my water bottle. I wasn’t in the mood to rehash my confrontation with Anthony, in fact I wouldn’t mind forgetting it all together.

“I was just wondering if he had told you anything about Mikey,” she asked nonchalantly, grabbing a towel and dabbing the sweat from her forehead.

“Why what’s going on with him?” I asked pausing to look at Nikki, using any excuse I could for a break.

“Nothing. I’m just worried about him, daddy has him training to be a dapper gangster in training,” she continued with a roll of her eyes. “Excuse me, night club manager,” she corrected while looking at me and coughing into her closed hand trying to cover up her next word. “Bullshit.”

“What do you mean bullshit? He’s going to be running Temptations, dad was adamant he didn’t get mixed up in the rest of the business.”

“Right, name one employee of dad’s that isn’t, and I quote,” she made quotations with her fingers, “mixed up in the rest of the business.” She dropped her hands to grip the handles on the machine. “It’s just wrong. Mikey doesn’t want to be anything like his dad but with our dad swaying him to his side it’s pretty much inevitable.”

“Mike’s not a pushover. I may not have seen a lot of him since he’s been back but what I have seen is that man detests our father.”

“Yeah and so does that one,” Nikki said, pointing across the gym. My curiosity getting the best of me, I turned my attention in the direction my sister pointed, and my eyes met Anthony’s.

“Shit,” I whisper, looking away from him and back at my sister who was smiling at him, giving him a friendly wave. “What’re you doing?” I hiss.

She glanced at me confused. “Saying hello to Anthony?”

“No! Don’t look at him or else he’ll come over here,” I say sternly, turning back towards my machine to busy myself so he would think twice about interrupting my strenuous work out. I increased the incline to the max and start running as fast I can.

“Um…A…you might not want to,” Nikki queries sounding worried. “Slow down you’re going to have a heart attack!” She reached over just as I started to pant and played with the settings of the treadmill, suddenly everything slowed down. “What the hell is going on with the two of you?”

“Nothing, absolutely nothing,” I respond breathless.

“Yeah, that’s believable,” she replies. I could feel her eyes boring into me. “Oh my God!” She said slowly, a grin spreading across her face. “You’re screwing him again, aren’t you?”

My head snapped around to face her. “What? No!”

“No? Why the hell not?” She glanced back across the gym to Anthony who was hitting the heavy bag. “He’s fucking hot.”

I reluctantly follow my sister’s gaze, watching Anthony as his fists pummel the bag. If you stared at him long enough he’d likely put you in a trance by the grace in which he moved. It was almost like a form of art, the way his feet danced around, while his fists delivered the perfect punch.

“Close your mouth, Adrianna,” Nikki whispered as she leaned next to me.

“He is isn’t he?” I mumbled, watching him sweat like that, the muscles in his back flexing reminding me of sex. I would love running my hands down the ridges of his back as he fucked me, his flexed arms high above my head as he pins me down. He took a break to grab his water bottle, guzzling it until it was depleted before licking the droplets from his lips and going back to his workout. My whole body ached, my panties soaked and ruined, when his tongue sneaked out and traced his lip. Some relationships the sex fizzles out, Anthony’s and mine it keeps getting better and better. I mean the sex we had last, compared to the sex we had when we were a couple, well, it blows it away. I don’t know if it’s because we’re not together and it’s all so forbidden but it’s amazing. Even after my big speech the other day, I want him to take me into the locker room and fuck me.

I was so involved in my own dirty thoughts I didn’t even notice Nikki leave my side until I saw her walk straight up to Anthony.

I’m going to kill her.

Anthony stopped hitting the bag, turned to Nikki for a moment before diverting his eyes back to mine. Shit! I look away and started on the treadmill, staring at them out of the corner of my eye. Nikki was doing all the talking while Anthony kept his eyes steady on me. Oh, I was going to make Nikki pay for this one.

They remained like that for a few seconds before the both of them started walking towards me. Normally I could handle Anthony, handle the hot and cold thing we had become, but it was getting harder and harder. In my current state, cheeks flushed, wet, and horny, I was no fucking match for him.

“So, this big guy is the best!” Nikki said, standing on tiptoe as she slung an arm around Anthony.

Yeah, you have no idea.

“I was telling him how bored you are of the treadmill.”