Forbidden Temptations (Tempted #2)

Sitting in the dark watching the rise and fall of Anthony’s chest as he slept so peacefully was something I never thought I’d see again. It was strange watching him, feeling almost as if I was invading a private moment, seeing the man who was always so weary, so hard, look so tranquil. I traced my fingertips down the length of his arm over all the intricate ink that marked his skin. I noticed each of his tattoos told a piece of his story, his struggle between right and wrong, good and bad.

It amazed me that he had no trouble sleeping, he appeared to be in such a deep slumber while I tossed and turned lying awake dreading the morning. I think I was afraid I’d waste my time with him sleeping, knowing the minute I opened my eyes the next morning Anthony would’ve already decided this was a mistake. It wasn’t our first rodeo and by that, I mean it wasn’t the first time Anthony gave into our desires only to disappoint me when morning came.


I diverted my eyes to the door for what seemed like the millionth time that night, hoping Anthony would walk through it like he promised he would. We had been talking for a long time now, whether on the phone or texting. Anthony hates texting and will only respond with one word answers. There have been lots of kisses too, all when my father isn’t looking of course. He’s still very much infatuated with climbing the ranks of my dad’s organization. It’s somewhat frightening to watch someone strive so hard to be nothing more than a common criminal. There is no talking to him though. I know behind the tough exterior is an honest man, who wants to make something out of his life. The thing is he thinks all he’ll ever be good at is illegal activities.

I’d be a total hypocrite if I didn’t say his bad boy tendencies are one of the qualities I find attractive, besides his good looks, his sexy smile that he uses sparingly, and the body of a gladiator, I’m just another girl attracted to the bad boy she thinks will change for her. I’m a total cliché but then again it was bound to happen since they say girls are attracted to guys that remind them of their fathers.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket and check my messages noting he still hadn’t responded to the last two I had sent him. I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth as anger consumed me. I despise when someone makes a fool of me, and right now Anthony standing me up was making me feel like a big fat fool. It didn’t help I had bragged to all my friends that Anthony would be picking me up from this party.

My fingers worked quickly to send Anthony an angry text message. I told him not to bother with me anymore – apparently his dick got hard for my father and not me – knowing that would set him off for sure. I hit send without giving a fuck and tucked my phone back into my pocket deciding to make the most of the rest of my night. To hell with Anthony Bianci, if he didn’t want me there was a bunch of guys my own age that would be more than happy to party with me.

I scoped out the party hoping at the very least to find my girlfriends to help me mingle. Since I had arrived, I holed myself up in the corner waiting for Anthony so it was the first time I was really checking out my surroundings. Jenna threw some of the best house parties, anybody who was someone in our school showed up and those who weren’t came hoping the cool kids would throw them a bone. Her parents were pretty cool, letting us take over their whole basement for this shindig. The Christmas lights twinkling around the room were a nice touch, what’s a party without Santa and his reindeer?

“Why is the prettiest girl in school standing by herself in a corner?”

I lifted my eyes to meet Brian Miller’s smile. He was a year older than I was and quarterback of New Utrecht High School’s football team. He was handsome enough I suppose, nicely built, and easy on the eyes. All of the girls in school craved his attention. I might’ve been one of those girls if I went for guys my age but I was stuck on stupid, not able to see the appeal in anyone other than my father’s newly appointed gofer.

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” I replied, smiling as I leaned against the wall and peered at him through my lashes.

“None of them hold a candle to you,” he said with a grin, reaching out to pinch my cheek. I nervously tucked my hair behind my ear as his hand lingered, tracing the outline of my jaw. “What do you say we go out back where it’s quiet?”

“She says no.”

I glanced to the side to where Anthony stood, hands on his hips as he pierced Brian with a brutally harsh stare.

“Excuse me? I can speak for myself thank you very much,” I said, glaring at him.

He turned his eyes perusing the length of me before settling back on my face. He didn’t speak for a moment and his stare alone made butterflies flutter in my belly. Anthony was fucking hot when he was angry. So very fucking hot.