Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“Thank you.” She whispered and then looked down at Benny. “For everything.” He parked the truck in front of her apartment and turned to face her.

“You’re welcome.” He leaned over to pet Benny between the ears. “I can’t really take the credit for Benny though, that was all Ava.” He smiled and looked over at his sleeping daughter and then back to Cara.

“I love him.” She said and suddenly felt awkward, like she didn’t want to get out of the car and have the day end.

Luke watched her intently and decided he wasn’t ready to let her go. Even though she drove him crazy the minute he picked her up until the minute they arrived at his parents, when they were surrounded by the family, he barely had a moment with her. Nick’s words rang in his ears, that, he was playing with fire, yet he couldn’t get himself to listen.

“I’ll bring your car by first thing in the morning.”

“I don’t want to put you out any more than I already have, Luke. I can take a cab over to the shop and get it myself.” She said with determination in her voice. “I know you’re just being you and wanting to help make everything easier for me, but I can’t rely on you for everything.” She looked at him thoughtfully. “I need to learn to stand on my own two feet, and once for all.”

He glanced down at the steering wheel and after a moment he nodded, understanding. His eyes found hers and she smiled at him softly, and damn him, his gut clenched. She grabbed the handle on her door and tucked Benny into the crook of her arm. “Cara…” He paused. He knew she hadn’t been in her apartment yet, and that would be the true test of her strength. “There isn’t anything…” He stopped himself, not wanting her to think he didn’t trust her. He was just concerned that there might be something there that could cause her to relapse. He looked out the window towards the apartment trying to figure the best way to say what was on his mind.

Cara’s eyes followed his and it dawned on her that he was concerned about her being alone. “Luke, you don’t have to worry. There’s nothing in the apartment that would tempt me to go down that road again.”

“You’re probably sick of me saying it, but I’m still going to. I’m proud of you, Cara.” He said in a gruff voice.

“You’ve been doing that an awful lot.” She said and with her finger she signaled to his throat. “That gruff voice thing… I bet it drives all the ladies crazy, Stud Muffin.” He shook his head at her and laughed slightly. “You must be tired, although before when it happened you weren’t tired.” She squinted suspiciously at him. “You’re a tough one to figure out, Luke Lanza.”

“Not really… I’m afraid I’m so transparent you’ll see right through me.”

“Would that be such a bad thing?”

“You have no idea, Cara.” He said evenly before blowing out a breath. “I’ll get your suitcase. Do you think you can manage everything?” He said, motioning to the sleeping child in the backseat.

“I’ve got it.” She said as they both climbed out of the truck. Luke walked over to the back and pulled out her suitcase, lifting up the handle so it would be easier for her to wheel it and hold Benny at the same time. He rolled it to her side, unsure what to do with himself, he shoved his hands in his pocket.

“Goodnight.” He said.

“Goodnight, Luke.” She leaned up and pressed her lips to his cheek. “Thanks again… one day I’ll pay you back. I promise.” She said and as the words left her lips she realized that she wanted more than anything to live up to her promise.

Cara’s Journal: October 21

Dear Jake,

You are never going to believe this, but your brother bought me a puppy! I can barely believe it myself. After he picked me up from Lakeview we picked up Ava and went to your parent’s house for dinner. That’s where he gave me Benny. That’s his name. He’s a beagle and oh my God, Jake, he’s the cutest little thing ever. He tends to chew things, though. I think he ruined your father’s favorite loafers. He doesn’t bark like regular dogs he just kind of howls. I think I’m in love.

Love always and forever,


Chapter Eleven

The next morning Luke was even grumpier than usual. He chalked it up to the lack of sleep, he hadn’t gotten much the night before. He yawned as he slid back underneath the Thunderbird he was working on.

“You know you can’t avoid me forever.” Luke heard Nick say. Great, just what he needed another lecture. The man gets engaged, and all of a sudden he knows everything. He slid out from underneath the car and eyed Nick.

“What is it?” Luke said irritated.

“I’ve been thinking about your situation.”

“Don’t exert yourself, Nick. I’ve got it all under control.”

“You bought a fucking puppy.”

“You make it sound like I bought her a ring.” Luke said sarcastically and rolled back under the car. Maybe he would get the hint.

“You bought a woman a dog, Luke, a cute one too.”