Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Cara stood in the lobby of Lakeview looking out the large glass windows, waiting for Luke’s truck to pull up in front. She looked down at her watch, noting that it was almost ten in the morning. Any minute she told herself before she glanced around the lobby of the place that she had spent the last month trying to find herself. A horn, let out a stream of honks from a distance and she turned around to look back out the window. A grin spread across her face as she saw Luke pull up. She took a deep breath and grabbed the handle of her suitcase, wheeling it behind her as she stepped through the automatic doors.

He had pulled his truck right in front, not bothering to pull into a spot. Luke shifted the truck into park and jumped out, leaving the engine running. Her eyes followed him as he walked around to the tailgate of the truck and leaned his arms over it. He lifted his head and his eyes met hers. He smiled casually in her direction.

“You ready, Spunky?” He asked as he pulled down the tailgate and stepped towards her. He was wearing the same hat he had the day he dropped her off, only this time it was backwards. She could see the ends of his hair peeking out and curling around the back of his neck. He was clean shaved and dressed casually in jeans and a Henley. He added a down vest over his Henley that was zipped halfway up his chest. He looked good, she thought, and then it came to her. She had been obsessing over a nickname for him since they ended their call last night.

“I’m ready.” She said with a smile. He grabbed her suitcase and hauled it into the truck, closing the gate. She walked towards the passenger door, but he got there first, and opened it for her. She climbed into the truck and then turned around to face him before he shut the door.

“Thanks, Stud Muffin.” She said sweetly, and waited for his reaction to her nickname.

“Stud Muffin?” He asked and raised an eyebrow at her questioningly. Cara bit her lip and watched as his cheeks reddened. She reached over and pinched his cheek. “Oh yes, definitely. And you’re blushing. I love it!” She said as she leaned closer. Yep, he was definitely blushing.

Luke placed his hand delicately on her wrist as she squeezed his cheek he could feel her breath on his face. He slipped her hand down from his face and shook his head.

“You’re not calling me Stud Muffin.” He said gruffly and her eyes narrowed and she pointed her finger at him.

“There it is… that sound your voice makes.” She pointed out. Luke blew out a breath and shook his head.

“You’re killing me, Spunky.” He said before he pushed her legs into the car and shut her door. He walked around the truck and got into his seat stealing a quick glance at her. She was trying not to smile as he shifted the truck and pulled away.

As Luke steered the truck down the pathway, she glanced out the window and her smile escaped as she silently bid farewell to Lakeview. She watched Lakeview disappear through the side view mirror as Luke accelerated down the road and drove away. When it was completely out of her view she turned around to face him.

Luke felt her eyes on him, but he kept his eye on the road. “I stopped off and got you coffee.” He pointed to the cup holders between them, indicating the one to his right was hers.

“You’re the best Sugar Plum!” She said and took the coffee.

Luke groaned. “I think I liked Stud Muffin better.”

She smiled before she took the first sip of coffee. “So…” She said as she placed the coffee back in the cup holder. “I liked the game we played last night and was thinking since it’s such a long drive, we could play it again.”

“What game was that?” He asked almost frightened. He was slowly learning that Cara got a kick out of teasing him and seeing how far she could push him to react. He wasn’t sure if he liked it or hated it.

“It’s called getting to know Luke Lanza and what makes him tick.” She said and shrugged her shoulders. “So you’re going to drive and I’m going to poke and prod to my heart’s content.”

“You’re going to poke me?” He said clearly amused.

She leaned her head back and laughed. “I bet you’re ticklish.” She looked over and watched his face grow still and she laughed harder. “You are ticklish! That’s great. Relax Stud Muffin I’m not going to tickle you while you’re driving.”

“Thank God for small favors.” He said as he swiped his hand along his brow that perspired at the mere mention of her tickling and touching him.

“Okay, are you ready?”

“If I said no, would it make a difference?”