First World (Walker Saga #1)

The woman’s eyes flew open, filling the room with a white light. She started to chant.

Children of Gods, born unknown and alone,

the seven are needed to eliminate. Take heed,

for baby will not live till four and one year

unless removed from the world here.

The youngest and strongest to collect.

Lost and alone, a god-man is the key.

Gather the Halflings, stone and fear.

The end of days is written in mineral.

The words filled the room as light shone from her sightless eyes. Lallielle gasped, before reaching out a hand and pulling the baby carriage closer. The white woman collapsed onto the cushions, grief racking her features. The scene was rushing away from me. I tried to stay in the room. I wanted to know what was about to happen, but everything blurred.

Then I was back in my own head, staring around the room in confusion. Lallielle was on the couch, watching me closely.

“Don’t worry. You’ll get used to the sensation, and eventually be able to stay aware of your surroundings.” Her eyes were slightly downcast. “When you entered my mind, you left a rift and I could see some of your life.”

She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry – it was a hard life I left you in – I need you to know I’m so proud. You’re strong, beautiful and brave. I could not have asked for more.”

She smiled. “And Lucy. We’d better find her soon, because I can’t wait to meet her. She’s quite the character.”

I nodded, my throat tight with unshed tears. The memories, losing Lucy, it was emotionally overwhelming. I cleared my throat. “Do you know the memories I saw?” I asked her.

She nodded. “Yes, but once you learn how to block your thoughts I won’t sense anything.”

Well, that was interesting.

“So, the white-haired woman, what happened to her? What does that poem mean?”

Lallielle shook her head. “She disappeared. I didn’t realize at first because I was in panic mode – that’s when I sent you away. By the time I went back to question her she was gone. The rest of the poem is a mystery to me, though Josian and I have theories.”

“So how do I block my thoughts?”

She looked at me closely. “Take your energy and wrap it tightly around your mind. Encasing it will protect your thoughts. It will be hard at first, but just keep practicing. Eventually it will be second nature.”

I reached toward my inner spot again. Pulling at the taffy substance, I imagined it winding round and round my thoughts. It was difficult. The moment I stopped concentrating, the energy would slip back and again I’d feel the less guarded nature of my mind. It was definitely going to take practice.

I glanced up again toward the doorway. It had been some time since Josian and Brace had left. Where were they? I was ready to go to Earth.

I faced Lallielle again. “How do the Walkers travel between the worlds?” I asked for curiosity’s sake and to fill in time.

A mild fear crossed her face. “It’s a guarded secret, Aribella. The only reason I know is because of your father.”

That increased my interest.

At that point Josian walked back in. In the time he’d been gone I’d forgotten how tall and impressive he was. His presence filled the room again, and I couldn’t believe I was related to this extraordinary creature. If I hadn’t seen the Walker mark, I would be seriously questioning that. And the extraordinary continued as Brace followed. His otherworldly beauty, controlled power – maybe that was the attraction. I was half-Walker, a race of beings that valued power.

“The men are done for the day. They offered to come back tomorrow, but I told them we would handle it ourselves.”

Brace stood in the entrance. I jumped up. Finally the lockdown was over.

Josian’s expressive features lifted in a half-smile. “Let’s head to Earth now, find Quarn and see if we can figure out what happened.”

Lallielle stood. “Yes, let’s get my son and other daughter...” She smiled at me. “Lucy back.”

Finally we were moving, but first I wanted to warn them. “Earth is very chaotic. I have no idea what we’re going to walk into. But since I know New York, let’s start there.”

Josian straightened. “Whenever you’re ready, I’ll open the doorway. Should we take anything with us, Aribella?”

I wasn’t sure at what stage I’d just accepted the name Aribella. In reality, it had never seemed odd to me.

“It’s violent and dangerous. Do you have any weapons? And food? You never know where your next meal is.”

Lallielle clapped her hands, part of her gentle mannerisms. “I’ll have some packs done immediately.”

Josian turned to me. “We don’t use active weapons on First World, except for our powers. We’re just going to have to wing it.”

I sighed. “We may have some weapons at the compound. If the security access hasn’t changed, I might be able to find something.”

Brace crossed his arms. “Worst case scenario, Josian, you open a doorway and get us back to First World.”