Fierce (Storm MC #2)

I stopped trying to get away from him and glared at him. “I may have told you that I wanted one night with you but I didn’t mean I would be an easy lay. You’d have to work for it because I have high standards these days.”

“I can deal with high standards, babe, but I need some give and take. When I’m trying to fix something I’ve said or done wrong, I need you to work with me rather than stay in your pissy mood and prolong the whole fucking thing.”

“You really have a way of making something you’ve said sound wrong when actually it was the right thing to say, don’t you?”

“I just say it like it is. People can take it or leave it; I don’t give a fuck.”

God, he was exasperating and hot all at the same time. It was seriously doing my head in. “And what would you say if I said I wanted to leave it?”

“I’d tell you to stop fucking around.”

“So, in other words, you do give a fuck where I’m concerned.” I was starting to enjoy this conversation.

He scowled. “Don’t twist my words.”

I smiled innocently at him. “I’m not really twisting them, but it is fun to point out the obvious to you.”

He blew out a breath and then muttered, “Just get in the car.” He wasn’t pointing at my car though; he was pointing at the Charger parked next to mine.

“That’s not my car.”

“I know, babe. It’s mine.”

“Why would I be getting in your car?”

“Because I’m driving you home in it.” He’d unlocked and opened my door and was gesturing for me to get in.

Oh, good Lord! “I’m quite capable of driving myself home, Scott.”

“Yeah, well I’m driving you home so just get in the damn car.” He looked shitty with me again.

My natural reaction was to continue to argue with him but I quickly assessed the situation and decided it’d just be easier if I got in the car and let him drive me home. “Fine, but what about my car? Will it be safe here?”

He nodded and put his hand out. “Give me your keys. Griff’s gonna drive your car to your house and then I’ll bring him back here.”

“You’re not kidding are you?” It seemed like a lot of effort to go to.

“I don’t kid,” he said and looked towards Griff who was walking our way.

I shook my head, reached in my bag for my keys and handed them over. Then, I got in his car and shut up. I thought it really was the only thing to do at that point.

Chapter 12


“I told you I don’t trust that motherfucker.”

Griff held up his hand to stop me. “All I told you was that they were Blade’s boys. We don’t know if he’s sent them or if they came on their own.”

“Don’t give me that shit, Griff. Of course he fuckin’ sent them. And now Harlow’s in the middle of all this.”

“We’ll keep her out of it.”

“Bullshit. You saw them watching her last night.”

“Maybe they were just checking her out rather than watching her for Blade.”

I scoffed. “No, they’d been sent to trail her. What I want to know is, why?”

J walked into the office and sat down, leaning back with his hands raised behind his head. “Heard that Harlow’s being targeted. That true?”

“Fuck,” Griff muttered. “We don’t know for sure yet but we’re taking precautions and looking into it.”

“Since when?” J asked.

“We noticed last night when she was working at Indigo that there were some guys watching her. Griff looked back over the surveillance and confirmed they’d been there watching all night. I drove her home and we kept watch on her house with Stoney taking over early this morning. We’re keeping someone on her until we figure out what’s going on,” I answered him.

“You want me to take over from Stoney for awhile?”

“Yeah, sounds good. I’ll leave that with you and then can you organise Nash to take over from you so we can do those interviews this afternoon?”

J nodded in agreement and then left.

“You got Harlow working at Indigo tonight?” Griff asked.

“Yeah, and I’ll be in to keep an eye out. Today you and I are going to try and find out what the fuck’s going on.”

“One step ahead of you. I’ve already put a tail on those two assholes who were at Indigo last night.”

“I’ve got half a mind just to pay Blade a visit.”

“Not yet, Scott. Let’s do a little quiet investigating first.” Griff was right but my natural instinct was to go in guns blazing so I had to restrain myself.
