Fierce (Storm MC #2)

Moving the phone away from his mouth, he asked me, “Can she take the collar off the cat?”

I figured they were talking about Monty. “No, don’t take it off because he’ll scratch his wound and it could get infected. And then you’ll be up for more money.” I was a little confused as to why Madison had Monty.

He mouthed thanks at me, and then moved the phone back in place, “Whatever you fucking do, don’t take that collar off the cat. He’s already cost me a fortune.”

Ending his conversation, he hung up and gave the phone back to the guy, who took one last look at me and then left us alone.

“Do you always talk to people like that? And why does Madison have Monty?” I asked.

“Like what?”

“You were so rude to her.”

“Madison can be a pain in the ass.”

I stood up, and smoothed my dress down, not failing to notice Scott checking out my legs. I could thank the running I did for that.

“Where I come from, we would never talk to our sister that way.”

“And where’s that?” he asked as he stood and walked around the desk.


“You’re straight up country, aren’t you?”

“What does that mean?”

He chuckled. “Just making an observation. It’s refreshing actually.”

I had no idea what he meant by that so I ignored it. “You never answered me. Why does Madison have Monty?”

“Couldn’t trust Michelle with him so I asked Madison to look after him for awhile. She loves cats.”

As he said this, he moved so he was next to me and put his hand on my arm to guide me out of the office. Locking the door behind him, he then ushered me down the hall and back into the club. Being this close to him was intoxicating, and his touch sent a thrill through me. It was a good thing that he’d stopped talking to me because only gibberish would have come out of my mouth in reply.

I followed him to the bar where he stopped and faced me.

“You ever worked a bar before?”

Nodding, I said, “Yeah, I know how to pour a beer.”

“Thank fuck for that.” He motioned to the girl behind the bar to get her attention. I recognised her from the other night. “Amy, Harlow’s going to be starting tomorrow night. She’s got experience but I’ll need you to show her the ropes.”

“Sure,” Amy agreed, and smiled at me.

Scott turned to me. “That work for you?”

“Yes, thank you.”

He gave me one short nod. “Good. I’ll leave you to chat with Amy about what to wear and when to arrive. I’ve got to go.”

“Okay. And again, thank you for the job.”

He’d already started to walk away, but he looked back at me and said, “Don’t forget to call me first thing in the morning with that fridge info.”

“Right, will do.”

He exited out the front door of the club, and I wondered just what I’d gotten myself into. Sure I’d done bar work before, but never in a strip club. And besides all that, I’d be working for Scott Cole, and I really wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

Chapter 10


What the fuck had I just agreed to?

Harlow was sweet as fucking pie. I wasn’t sure she’d cut it at Indigo, and yet I’d said yes to her working there. Christ, I was thinking with my dick. And speaking of my dick, I really needed to get laid; it’d been over a week since I’d seen any pussy and that was a week too fucking long.

“Scott, where the fuck have you been?”

I eyed my father; my thoughts interrupted. He was sitting with Griff and J at a table in the corner of the clubhouse bar, waiting for me, and appeared to be irritated.

I grabbed a chair and turned it around so that I was sitting with its back to my front. “Hiring staff for Indigo,” I snapped at him.

“Good. That’s one headache gone. And it looks like the situation with Blade and Bullet might have resolved itself too.”

My skepticism kicked in. “Really?”

Dad looked really pissed off with me now. “Why the fuck can’t you get past your issues with Blade?”

“I don’t trust him. Not sure I ever will. So when you say that he’s suddenly agreed to pull back on his plans to move more coke, I don’t buy it.”

“He’s given me his word.”

I snorted. “His word means nothing to me. I think we need to still be on guard for shit to go down between him and Black Deeds.”

Dad slammed his hand down on the table; he was wearing his anger. “Been the President of Storm for a long fucking time, son. I’m always on fucking guard so don’t tell me how to do that part of my job. It’s fucking insulting. As for Blade, I don’t want to hear another fucking word from you about him. He’s my son and when he gives me his word, I trust it.”