Fierce (Storm MC #2)

Nodding, she said quietly, “Yes, but I still feel like she just needs someone to help her; someone who cares enough to show her what she’s doing.”

I shoved my hand through my hair. “Christ, we’ve done that. Nash, Griff and me... we all tried to get her to own up to her shit before we fired her. The thing is, if someone doesn’t want help, there’s not much anyone can do. She needs to hit bottom before she’ll see it. Either that or she’ll be dead without ever seeing it and I hope to God that doesn’t happen for Lisa’s sake.”

“But at what point do you give up on someone? Would you have given up on me?”

“No, but you wanted help and took it. And you’re my sister.”

“Doesn’t Michelle have any family who are looking out for her?”

“I don’t know, but if she does, they’re not around. I’ve only ever seen her junkie friends hanging around her house.”

“Maybe I should go over and see her; try and get her some help.”

My sister had always been a bleeding heart. “Sure, but don’t be surprised when she spits in your face or tries to screw you over.”

She finished getting the food out of the fridge and I was just about to help her take it outside when Nash came through the back door. “Hey, motherfucker, where you been?”

“Getting meat for your sorry ass,” I replied, taking the beer he passed me.

“Stoney’s brought some girls along and they seem ready to party, so you need to get outside because you’re a cranky fuck when you go this long without a hit of pussy.”

I took a long swig of my beer and scowled at him. “I’m not interested in any chick that Stoney’s brought with him. Fuck knows what’s been up in that.”

“That’s why you wrap it brother, and fuck, so long as there’s tits and ass who cares who brought them?”

“Guys, do I really need to listen to this?” Madison glared at me with that look of hers that said to shut it.

Nash smirked at her. “Sweet thing, you live with J. Seriously, you can’t tell me you don’t hear him talking like this. That fucker’s mouth is dirty.”

Now she glared at Nash. “It might be dirty, Nash, but I don’t have to listen to him discussing screwing other women like they’re a piece of meat.”

“When I fuck a woman, the last thing she feels like is a piece of meat.”

The back door slid open and J stepped into the room as Nash spoke. He looked pissed. “Nash, why the fuck are you telling Madison about your sex life? She doesn’t need to hear that shit.”

The room was full of tension now, with J and Nash having a stand-off. Madison threw her arms up and declared, “Okay, enough.” She pointed at Nash, “You, outside, back to your skanks.” Then she pointed at me, “You, go with him and take these.” She piled plates with cheese, dips and other shit on them in my arms. Lastly, she pointed at J, her face softening as she gave him her attention. “You can help me in here.”

Nash grumbled something I couldn’t catch, and then did as he was told. I followed him, leaving J and Madison alone. From what J had told me the other day, they needed some time together to sort their shit out so I wasn’t keen to interrupt that.

The chicks that Stoney had brought with him were exactly what I expected. There were three of them, each with bleached blonde hair, overdone makeup and the shortest and tightest dresses you could imagine. One was sitting on Stoney’s lap; the other two looked expectantly at Nash and I as we approached.

Stoney lifted his chin at me. “Hey, VP. I brought some friends.” He rattled off their names but I wasn’t listening. Nash was all over them though and thank fuck for that because that meant they were leaving me alone.

I spread the dips out on the table, sat down and kicked back with my beer. Besides Stoney and Nash, there were some other couples here who I didn’t know. I figured they were friends of Madison. They were sticking to themselves and didn’t seem interested in talking to us. Again, fine by me; I was enjoying being left alone. It had been a long week dealing with Indigo and other Storm business. Blade was still pissing Bullet off, and in return, Bullet was breathing down our necks to pull him into line. Dad was fucking around with the whole thing; leading Storm into dangerous territory because when Bullet was pissed off, he had a nasty way of dealing with it. On top of that, we still hadn’t found a manager for Indigo.

As I contemplated all the Storm shit going on, the chicks that Nash had been occupying got up and went inside. I watched them go and then looked over at him. “What’d you say to them?”

“Nothing, they’ll be back in a minute,” he answered and then suddenly sat up straight in his chair, eyes trained on the kitchen. “Holy fuck, look at that fine piece of ass.”

I glanced in the direction he was looking, not really interested because, let’s be honest, Nash and I had totally different tastes in women.

“Well, I’ll be fuckin’ damned,” I whistled under my breath. Standing in the kitchen, talking to Madison, was none other than Harlow, the hot blonde from the vet.