Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

She did, but the amusement still lingered.

When we were ten yards from them, we split off. The seven of us would surround them from all sides, forming a ring of energy. Our aim was to blast at them, and hopefully scatter them away from each other. Then I could go for the first. I ground to a halt across from the one with the red curls, and those three slash-like eyes bored into me. Okay. I was pretty sure the shadows were not hiding us from them at all – seriously, this guy was like the king of creepers. He never removed his gaze from me.

Now that we were in position, the swirls of energy started to streak between the seven of us. Elements flowed and merged. The shadows left us and connected in with the rest.

Eva’s spirit energy helped to control the flow. It was like a sheen of mist covering the rest. Her power was less active than the other girls’, but when we had used it in the Mother’s realm, it had sort of stunned our opponents. Like it was a soul tranquilizer. Adding her power to the mix slowed the enemy and gave us an extra moment to attack. Team that with her ability to see weaknesses – pretty awesome.

I was, as always, the center. Holding the seven of us together, helping the flow and boosting with energy from my well. I would use everything within my center if needed, but I would not touch the filing cabinet. That was for the ritual.

The Seventine were still not moving.

Should we be worried? Ria’s purple eyes were wide and shiny. These guys are like the king of cool. I’d think they were statues if their ugly faces weren’t moving occasionally. Her face was pinched with concern, long strands of mahogany hair whipping around her.

They’re confident. Confident can be a blessing or a curse, said Delane. Either they’re overconfident and we destroy them, or they know we don’t have the skill or power and are simply waiting for us to fail before they annihilate us.

And on that positive note, Fury said with a laugh, let’s go with the ‘kick some Seventine ass’ version.

Word! Talina chimed in.

Yes! said Eva.

I am okay with this plan, was Sapha’s reply.

Damn, I loved these half-Walkers. Never a dull moment.

The ring of elemental energy we were building was large now. Starting at our feet and rising up in circular layers until it rested above even the tallest of us. It was at least twice the height of the Seventine. And for the first time I noticed a flicker of something cross their identical faces. Was that curiosity or unease?

We didn’t hesitate any longer. We needed this done and we needed it done now. Lingering would only bring us closer to the convergence. It could happen any day now, and then it would be too late. Once that cord was cut, the worlds would end.

Just before we let it loose, Eva released a small cloud of spirit energy. This was separate from our elemental ring. I wasn’t sure the Seventine even noticed as it floated across the breeze to drift lazily down toward them.

Only it never landed.

Instead the mist rested about a foot above them before dissipating.

Well, that explains the confidence, I said. Asshats are shielded. Good thing we’ve never let a shield stand in our way.

A simmer of laughter rattled around, and in that moment I shot forward our energy. I gave it as much kick as I could, knowing that we had to shatter the barrier erected by the Seventine. Our elemental ring took less than a second to reach them and the moment our energies collided there was an unnatural blast of icy power. Energy exploded in a light show, and as the aftershocks flew outwards, all of us were catapulted backwards.

My chest heaved as I flew through the air. I felt as if I’d been punched with a solid blow to my body, the ache starting in my gut and continuing to spread outwards.

Sever the energy, Red. Brace was in full command mode. You’ve connected with the Seventines’ power, and the two forces are trying to destroy each other.

Fighting through the pain and nausea – right before I was about to hit the ash – I wrenched my cord free. Cutting the ties. I had just enough time to close my eyes before slamming into the ground.

I landed on my back and all air was knocked from my lungs. Floundering around, it took me many moments to be able to fully breathe again.

Abby. Abigail. Speak to me, babe. Brace sounded fierce.

I’m okay. Just winded. I struggled back to my feet, my body screaming as I forced it to get up and start running. I have to find him now.

A low growl filtering through my head was his unhappy reply. He hated that he was stuck behind the fugs still. Although, from the quick glance I threw behind me, the fugs’ numbers were dying down. The Seventine had stopped producing them, which gave me hope that they were now worried enough to conserve their energy.