Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

Ria was still visibly distraught, but she managed to rein in her flow of energy, before sending her element to intermingle with all the others.

The colors exploded, until we had a shimmery mass, tinted with threads of gold. The golden tones were from my conduit abilities, and I ferreted more of my power into it, increasing our combined elemental mass to almost epic levels of strength.

Of course, at that moment, the Seventine decided to screw with us some more and they released their hold on their minions. Trees, zombies and the large scaled fire-lizards sprang to life. Noise echoed around us again; they were trying to distract our attack on Que.

“You focus on Que. We’ll keep the rest off you,” Brace said, giving me a quick kiss.

Josian and Samuel saluted me and took off. Quarn paused long enough to give me a wink before joining the others. They all jumped straight into the fray, engaging the enemies around us. I returned my attention to Que, who stood so arrogantly. The slightest smile twisted his hard features.


I spoke to the sacred animals, and they did not hesitate. Power burst free from within them, each of the animals an extension of their half-Walker female. But also with their own special kick. Fury’s kitty was scary as heck when he was in his prehistoric panther size, plus Crete was a little badass. He didn’t hold back like the rest of them. Flames tinting his fur, he crouched low, and with a pounce landed directly behind Que.

The Walker spun but was way too slow. The panther’s weight knocked him to the ground, and the flames burst to life. The scent of burning flesh was not a pleasant aroma. It’s not a smell I’d ever get used to, but it’s always unmistakable.

Que was burning.

I heard his bellow, and a ricocheting of his energy knocked Crete and two or three of the guides back.

“Oh hell no!” Fury was running. She was getting her baby kitten and no one was stopping her.

The rest of us followed.

I urged my legs to pump harder so I could catch the white-haired, red-skinned angel of death who was flying across the blackened planes.

Que had pulled himself to his feet. He was a little unsteady and I could see holes in his black leather where the blue fire had melted through to his skin.

Walker healing would fix him up, but it would take much longer to heal an injury inflicted by our power. He was going to suffer for a while still.

You know I very much like this evil streak in you, Red. You really shouldn’t distract me. I might get bitten and turn into a zombie.

I snorted.

Brace and Lucy loved to make fun of me for my minor freak-out when I’d been bitten by a zombie. I think I had a legit reaction to what could have been a tragic situation.

Laughter trailed after me as I finally caught up to Fury, the other half-Walkers around me.

I chanced a quick glance over my shoulder and shook my head at the pile of destroyed Seventine creeps that my father, brother, guardian and mate had amassed. They were cutting through them without pause, and none stood for longer than a few moments. Samuel was the least skilled, but more than held his own. I knew he’d spent many years training with Brace and Josian, so he was still pretty awesome with a blade and bow.

Focus on Que. Don’t underestimate him.

Brace’s gentle warning was enough to bring my scattered attention back to the scene before me.

Que was battling the animals – his clothes still smoking – as each one blasted out with power. They were close to him, but cleverly avoided the touch of his hands. Lina glided across and with a perfectly placed blast of wind and thrust of wings, she managed to not only knock him down but also sliced both of his arms. His robotic-looking arm was visible now through the burnt and tattered top, derived through power he’d stolen from the originals. Power I needed to divest him of.

The seven girls fell in with our animals. I slipped in next to Cerberus, and the giant hellhound towered over me, keeping my back safe.

“You cannot beat me. I can’t be killed and, I don’t care if my son loves you, I will not hesitate to end your existence, Aribella of Doreen.”

My father-in-law hated me. I would be completely devastated except he was an asshole who needed to die. Yeah, okay, the hatred was mutual.

I whipped out at him with power, drawing from all of the girls. I aimed for his heart. Eva had said that was a weakness.

Que’s hands crossed over his chest, blocking most of the stream of energy.

But not all of it.

He was knocked down, and I was surprised to see that he looked stunned. As if that blast had disorientated him.

We need to form a cage, and hold him so that Eva can try and free the spirits, I said through the bond.

We had done this once, and not very successfully. But there weren’t many other options. Cerberus must have sensed my intentions, because as Delane’s wind energy whipped up, my hellhound sent it out in a flash to connect us all. A circle of wind formed, like we had done in the white realm with fire.