Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

When I reached the large Ford, I sidled along the driver’s side, hoping like hell the door was unlocked. Reaching for the energy inside – my energy well was disgustingly suppressed on Earth – I scraped up enough power to sense for an alarm.

There didn’t seem to be anything electronic protecting the car, so I didn’t hesitate to grab the handle, holding my breath as I pulled. There was a click, but the door didn’t pop open. Shit! It was locked and I didn’t have any sort of tool on me to be able to jimmy it open. I was just wringing my hands and scanning the garden beds in front of the car park for something when a shadow fell over me.

I spun around to find Colton there. “I got the girls into the park. Brace thought you might need a hand.”

My mate, always keeping an eye on me. I nodded at Colton, who smirked, his perfect teeth shining in the sunlight, icy-blue eyes shimmering.

“The car’s locked,” I said. “I know how to get it open, but I need a piece of metal or wire to fit down the window and into the door.”

That shiny grin widened. “Nah, all you need is me.”

He reached out and placed a tanned hand onto the car, just above the locking mechanism. I felt the slightest rush of energy, and then all four locks clicked up. Well, hot damn, he’d just unlocked the car with his power.

“We still have little tricks up our sleeves. If you knew how and weren’t so drained you’d have been able to do the same,” Colton said as he yanked open the door.

I didn’t feel that drained now, but Earth made everything extra shit in regards to power. So who knew? I had to stretch right up to reach the bar and pull myself into the Ford; this truck was jacked up high. Before I could, though, Colton placed a hand under my elbow and with no visible effort gave me a boost. I landed in the seat. Showoff, I could have done that.

By the time he’d journeyed around and climbed into the passenger side, I’d managed to drop the casing off the ignition and find the wires I needed. The noise was almost deafening as the beast sprang to life. Its owner clearly loved her. She started without pause and, despite the huge ass engine, was smoothly purring away.

I reached across and slammed my door. Colton did the same to his. I took a moment to recall how to drive: adjust the mirrors and seat, shift into reverse, slowly ease out of the massive park.

That part went smoothly and thankfully no cars were vying for my spot, so I could take my time. Colton said nothing as I continued to slowly adjust myself to driving again. I was now equipped with unparalleled Walker reflexes, which was helpful, but still, I was pretty rusty.

At the lights I fumbled to find indicators, and after a few incidents with the windshield wipers, finally figured out the basic controls. Colton leaned forward and switched on the air, for which I was very grateful. It was hot here, and my nerves had me on edge; my shirt was sticking in sweaty rows to my back.

You on the way, babe? I reached out to Brace as I eased the beast into a shaded area on the other side of the large garden area. We were partially hidden away, so unless the owner came looking for his monster, we should be safe for now.

Just waiting on Chrissie to bring the last two girls, and then we’ll grab the others from the park and meet you at the car. There was a pause, and his inner voice lowered for the last part. I have to say, I definitely like it when you act all Earth-girl, Red. Very sexy. He growled low.

Heat flared through me again, and just like that Brace negated the air-conditioning, and I was again hotter than hell. Damn Walkers. Such sweet talkers.

I hadn’t turned the car off, or even shifted her out of drive. I knew I’d have to move fast when everyone piled in. Luckily the back seat was massive; it wouldn’t be comfortable, but we’d all fit.

To amuse myself while we waited I leaned forward and examined the strange panel and dials in the center of the console. I turned the larger of the round buttons, and all of a sudden music flooded through the stereo system and around the entire car. Colton laughed then, his eyes lighting up like it was some sort of magic trick.

Walkers were blessed with many gifts, but some things were beyond their understanding. The magic of human technology was one of those things. I wanted to laugh with him, but I was actually stunned into silence.

The song poured from the speakers and seeped into me. It was slow and melodic; the owner must have had his radio set on a country music channel. As the female singer spoke of lost love and starlit nights, a flood of emotions slammed into me with the force of a tidal wave.

I had always loved music. The beat, the melody, the way it threaded across my soul and weaved stories with my emotions. I hadn’t heard Earth music for years.