Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

Record noted, I said.

I focused and reached for my free energy, before flinging open the drawer which had sealed in all that delicious power. My body started to hum, the well inside me springing to life again.

Once the power flowed through me, filling every facet of my being, I could clearly see the barrier. It was still faint, but I knew exactly where to direct the blast of energy. I’d done this a few times before. It took a little concentration, and I wasn’t as good at it as Brace and Josian. Still, I almost had the hang of it now.

It was like a wave, a large curtain of energy which I lifted above my head, and then smashed across the barrier. In this situation, I left the bond open so there was a continual flow of power leaving me. I hoped I’d have enough stored power to crash the barrier before I grew too weak and had to cut it off.

As the first rush left me, I closed my eyes. It was harder to do this on Earth. Like gravity pulling me to the ground, the energy didn’t want to leave me. Earth was an enigma and the power was happier inside my well. Still, I was the boss today, and it would go where I sent it.

The flow started to build up; the energy rose and heated the surrounding area. Everyone would be feeling the effect of what I was doing. I wondered briefly what I looked like standing in the midst of so much energy. My marks would be glowing, my skin bathed in a golden glow. Eva would have plenty more evidence of Walkers now. She was going to have to believe me eventually. Right?

With the moderate level of control I still possessed over the living entity which was this energy wave, I directed it further into the barrier. It was at this moment that the electrical impulses embedded in the shield reacted; they connected to the wave of Walker power and the resulting backlash almost knocked me off my feet.

Others hit the deck. Colton and Lucy went down, and Brace even stumbled.

As the wave continued to crash against the electronic barrier, more energy left my filing cabinet and a gap started to appear in the shield. It reminded me of the way a waterfall would part when something broke the stream of falling water. I had broken the interconnecting energy.

I didn’t stop. I continued to let the power flow from me, my wave spreading across the area, opening more of a gap and interfering further. I was watching closely, so I noticed that the shield had also started to crack. Brace was right. It was starting to disintegrate on its own.

I was more than halfway through the stored energy when my legs started to feel like jelly. I was slightly weaker, but decided to hold on for a bit longer. Had I done enough damage? I couldn’t quite tell if it was the right time to stop.

“Cut it off now, Abby.” Brace had moved as close as he could, but was still a foot from me. It was hard to stand in the force of all the power which was leaving me. “You’ve done enough. Save the energy in case we need it.”

I could tell he cared nothing about saving power; he was just worried for me. I stared him down for a few moments, before deciding that he was right. I’d started the domino effect, and the rest of the barrier should continue to shatter now. There was no point in wasting our power stores.

I began to withdraw my energy, to close down the flow and seal off whatever goodness was left inside. I did the usual with my tether, mentally severing the cord – only the flow didn’t stop.

My trickling stream had turned into raging rapids and couldn’t be halted. I jolted forward, mentally locking down my body. Trying desperately to cut myself off from the barrier. Usually the moment I decided to cut off the power it halted, but I’d lost control.

“Abby, what’s wrong?” Lucy was next to Brace now, trying to reach me but unable to penetrate the energy.

I couldn’t speak. All I could do was shake my head.

Brace swore, and threw his arm toward the wave of power around me. I felt the shuddering crack as he hit the energy, but he wasn’t able to break through. My knees buckled even further. I was very close to having an empty filing cabinet and I had no idea what was going to happen when I ran out. Whatever it was, we were going to find out soon. There wasn’t much time left.

I tried to connect to my half-Walkers, but the golden tether was locked down in the flow. I also couldn’t trace or open a doorway. I had not felt so stuck and helpless in a long time. I was in big trouble and there wasn’t a damned thing I could think of to get myself out of this mess.

I could hear the others talking. “Clearly they have security on it. The barrier is destructing, but it plans on taking the destroyer with it.” Colton’s words were low and growly. His wolf eyes peeked out.