Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

I dodged that first swing, and then the second as he followed back around in a smooth motion. I didn’t waste time or words on him, pivoting as he came at me and sliding myself slightly to the right so he grazed along the side of me. As I moved I sliced the blade around and up.

The tip entered his side, between the ribcage, and exited from his chest. He let out a single gasp of air, and then as I wrenched my weapon back out, his knees hit the deck and he pitched forward.

A quick glance was all I needed to see that Brace and Colton had taken out the vast majority of the males on the dock. Lucy was with them, and I had no doubt more than one victim was from her.

There were still a dozen of the smugglers and gangers left. Including that initial well-dressed dickbag.

The females remained huddled in their little area. None of them had stood and none of them had tried to escape. They had to be drugged. It would explain their lethargy. All except for Chrissie and Golden Girl – those two were alert and prowling within their barrier. Although they remained relatively close to the girls on the ground, sticking around to protect them.

It was time to finish this.

Of course, as I had that thought, the remaining males realized that they were in an ass-ton of trouble, and took off. They didn’t even waste any bullets on us, so they were either going for backup, or had another plan to be put into motion. There was only one way for them to run – to the water; they ended up squished into a medium-sized speed boat.

The moment its engine gunned to life, they were gone in a splash of water and whitewash. At a guess, there were more of the gangers and buyers out on all of those fancy yachts and vessels.

They’d be back soon. We had to get the females to safety.

I returned the sword to its home. Then, with Brace on one side and Lucy on the other, we crossed to the females. I wasn’t really looking forward to speaking with Chrissie. I wanted to make amends, but I knew it wasn’t going to be as easy as throwing out an “I’m sorry”. Those two words didn’t bring Chandra back. And that was all Chrissie really wanted.

Large dark eyes flashed at me as I closed the distance between us. I still hoped she might have let go of some of her anger, but it didn’t look like it.

The area she was being held in with Golden Girl had a barrier which stood around mid-chest in height. I halted opposite her, about to extend a hand to help her jump over. She didn’t take my offered palm, instead taking three steps back and running forward to vault over the fenced area.

I held my ground as she stalked up to me, a darkening of anger cresting across her features like the wash of a violent storm. I prepared myself for the abuse. But instead of opening her mouth, Chrissie swung her arm – closed fist – right into my face.

Truth be told, I probably could have avoided the hit. My reflexes were much faster than hers and I had enough time to see it coming, but I decided to let her have this one. As her knuckles crashed into my left cheek, a dull thud echoed across the space. This was followed by a flare of heat and jagged spikes of pain. The force knocked me back. I stumbled but managed to keep my footing.

Shit. The girl could punch. She’d definitely had training since we were in the compound together. I didn’t remember her hits feeling like sledgehammers in our old sparring days.

A low, thunderous growl filtered through the area, and I knew it was Brace. I could feel his simmering anger, and right then Chrissie was lucky that she was both human – well, possibly – and also female. Shaking my head and trying to ignore the blaze of pain which still spiked along my cheek, I crossed over and placed both hands on my mate’s chest.

“It’s okay, I’m fine,” I said, before raising my voice. “Chrissie gets one freebie, but if she decides to use violence again, I’ll return the favor.”

Brace’s breathing was deep and rhythmic. He was reeling his fury in, regaining control. His right hand cupped my face as he gently brushed against the bruise which I was sure had already formed on my cheek. I’d heal slower here, but Walker genetics would take care of the injury soon enough.

“People need to stop hurting you. Otherwise I’m going to fu –”

“Brace!” I interrupted him, snorts of laughter erupting.

I loved how protective he was. Even the smallest injury was abhorrent to him. He truly held my well-being above all else in existence. Every single being should be able to experience such a pure, perfect love. I couldn’t believe I was the dumbass that had almost screwed it all up. Thankfully, the fates didn’t completely hate me yet and the melding bond had been returned to us.

Chrissie was less hostile now. “What are you doing here? What are the marks you wear?” The punch must have gotten some of her aggression out. She was now capable of conversation. “I haven’t seen you in New York for years.”