Earth: The Final Battle (Walker Saga, #7)

Ria and Sapha had no animals yet, plus our unknown Earth half-Walker. Crap. I really needed to get going and find her, but I just couldn’t leave until I knew Josian was okay.

Voices drew my attention, and I hurried back to the group, Cerberus right behind me. Colton had emerged from the glass building.

Lucy fluttered up to him. “What happened?” she asked as I stepped closer.

Brace wasn’t out yet and the wall was back up between us.

“We managed to free Josian. We had to sever the energy extractors,” Colton said, running a hand through his blond hair. “He’s fine, but needs time to recuperate.” He turned his white-blue eyes on Lallielle. “He’s asking for you, Lalli, you should go to him.”

His words shot relief through me. I needed to see my father before I left too, but I’d give Lallielle a few moments first.

My mother paused just long enough to drop a kiss on my cheek before dashing into the glass horror house.

“Where’s Brace?” I asked.

Colton’s features hardened. “Josian was easy. There were only minor securities on his cage, and he should make a full recovery. Que, on the other hand …”

“Bastard,” I heard Lasandra mutter.

Colton continued. “We can’t figure out how to break the tank’s seal. The wires were simple to disconnect, but there’s very strong energy around his actual tank. Ancient energy. Brace and Grantham are trying to unravel it now, but they think it’s going to take a while.”

I fidgeted a bit. “I don’t have time to wait for him; I have to get to Earth. We’re on the clock and the last Seventine could be released at any moment. Plus the convergence is closing in.”

Colton nodded. “I know. Brace is giving it one last go. Then he’ll leave it to Grantham and a few others. They’ve sent out a call to the history keepers, Nos and Jedi especially.”

Nos was Ria’s father, and also a visionary. He held memories passed down by all the past visionaries. If the information was known to Walkers, he was the best bet for remembering it.

“Abby and I can go to Earth without you … you know, if you need to stay here,” Lucy said.

Lasandra clasped her hands together, the noise loud enough to echo across the space. “I think that’s a great plan. The girls are more than strong enough to venture to that little world.” She said this like Earth was a hick country town out in the boonies. “Everyone else should remain on Abernath to contain whatever destruction Que is about to unleash.”

Colton snorted, followed by a growl. “No way in any of the worlds will Lucy or Red be going to Earth without us.”

His tone brooked no argument, and I knew that the boys had already discussed it inside and nothing would change their minds. My relief was instant.

“No argument from me,” I said. “You and Brace are like ganger deterrents. They don’t like taking on anyone who looks more badass than them. Plus, he might need me to keep his butt safe.”

Colton’s expression morphed into one of pure amusement. “Oh, man, I can’t wait to tell him you said that.”

Lucy had just narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth when a throat cleared behind us.

“I think I’m man enough to be okay with Abby keeping me safe,” the deep voice said, “and my butt.”

My heart rate increased as he stepped into view. I drank him in, all six and a half feet of pure bronzed beauty. My mate was freaking hot; way, way hot. I owed the fates like a bottle of wine and some flowers, because they had lined me up with pure perfection. And it went so much deeper than his looks. The way Brace had stood by me, even through my complete effups. Even when I had broken our bond without consulting him. He fought for me, for us, and he was completely deserving of everything good in all the worlds. I just needed to deal with this Seventine crap, so we could get back to the good.

I didn’t hesitate, moving rapidly to his side. Distance between us felt wrong. “What happened? Is Dad okay?”

Brace’s arms wrapped around me and he drew me closer, the heat of his body seeping into mine. “Yes, he’s with Lallielle, and they’re going to take a doorway back to First World.”

I lurched forward. “I want to see him first.”

Brace’s arms tightened, stopping me from diving through the front door. “Calm down, Red. No one’s leaving without you. I just wanted to update everyone before I took you through.”

Lasandra straightened, her cold expression cutting right through me. I couldn’t understand why her hatred toward me was growing, and I had neither the time nor inclination right then to deal with it.

“What’s the update, Brace?” Her focus was exclusively on her son.