Death by Temptation (Book #14 in the Caribbean Murder series)

They all talked a little longer, then breakfast was over and Kara and Rowley had to go. Cindy and Mattheus thanked them for the time they’d spent together. Kara and Rowley said they’d enjoyed it as well. When they left, Cindy felt sad.

“What a beautiful young couple,” Mattheus said, watching them walk out of the dining room. “They’ve got it right so early. My friend Rod must be very proud.”

Cindy felt a pang of regret. She wished she could have gotten it right the way they had. If only she’d met her partner early on they could have built a life together that naturally progressed from stage to stage. Then Cindy wouldn’t be left at this time of life thinking about wedding destinations. A strange sense of emptiness filled her as Kara and Rowley disappeared from view.

“Your friend Rod’s a lucky man to have a family like that,” Cindy mused.

Mattheus stretched out his hands and reached for Cindy.

“Yes, he is very lucky. But we’re lucky, too. We have each other, don’t we? Better late

than never.”

Much better, thought Cindy, as she held Mattheus’s hands tight, wondering how late it really was, and if it there was enough time left for them.


The breakfast with Kara and Rowley definitely lifted the mood between Cindy and Mattheus, allowing them to thoroughly enjoy the rest of the day. For starters they decided to rent a car and take a scenic tour of the majestic Pitons on the way to the Diamond Waterfall. Cindy craved time in nature and the Diamond Waterfall was located in a beautiful botanical garden surrounded by nature’s finest plants and flowers. As she walked beside Mattheus through the gardens, it seemed as if all her concerns gently floated away. They held hands, laughed, and made the kind of easy small talk they used to do so freely. A day like this brought back to Cindy all that she loved about him and their time together, how warm and natural it could be.

After lunch at the gardens, they decided to drive through Soufriererto, an incredibly quaint town with a view of the world’s only drive-in volcano. As they passed, its sulfuric waters bubbled wildly, thrilling Cindy. She’d always wanted to bathe in sulfur springs and was excited to actually visit the volcano. The sour smell in the air was difficult to take, but the power of the churning volcano captivated her. Cindy was amazed and inspired by the incredible forces of nature and the endless treasures and healing powers that came right up from the earth.

“I love it here,” Cindy murmured to Mattheus, who seemed to be thoroughly content to be at her side.

“We’ll come here often, all the time,” Mattheus whispered, delighted that she was having such a wonderful time. “Do you have the energy to go over to Rodney Bay and join the Friday night Jump Up, too?” Every Friday night a lively party, called the Jump Up, spilled out onto the streets, and people came from all over to join in the fun.

“Absolutely,” said Cindy. She felt invigorated by having nothing else to worry about except how to enjoy all the wonders this amazing island was offering them.

After leaving the volcano, Cindy and Mattheus arrived at Rodney Bay just as the party was beginning to roll. As expected, the place was packed with honeymooners laughing, dancing, drinking, and celebrating to their hearts’ content. Without a moment’s hesitation, Cindy and Mattheus joined in the fun, drinking rum and dancing along with everyone to the intense reggae music that rang out all around.

“It’s working, we’re wonderful,” Mattheus whispered to Cindy, as they danced under the stars. “We’re happier than we’ve ever been!”

“It’s true,” Cindy murmured, “this vacation is so perfect, we may not ever need another honeymoon again.”

Mattheus laughed along with Cindy as they allowed the joy of the island to embrace them, making them forget everything else.


By the time Cindy and Mattheus returned to the hotel it had been a long day. Both felt somewhat tipsy, filled with music, laughter, and drink.

“Do you want to get a nightcap before we go up to our room?” Mattheus asked as the taxi pulled up to the hotel.

“Absolutely,” said Cindy, delighted.

Filled with joy, they got out of the cab and entered the lobby, heading toward the cocktail lounge. Then to Cindy’s horror, she saw swarms of police milling around.

“My God!” Cindy grabbed onto Mattheus’s arm as she felt him stiffen up as well. “What’s happened?”

“I have no idea,” said Mattheus, heading straight over to one of the cops, a tall, wiry [cl2] Caribbean man. “What’s going on?” asked Mattheus.

The cop looked at Mattheus and shook his head. “Damn lousy, rotten luck,” he muttered, genuinely disturbed.

“What’s lousy, rotten luck?” Mattheus pressed him.

“Look, I got to go, man. Time’s of the essence in cases like this.” The cop pulled back.

“We’re talking to everyone in the hotel to see if anyone saw something.”