Death by Jealousy (Caribbean Murder #6)

Both Edward and Dana looked away. “They’re extremely private people,” said Edward finally. “If truth be known, we haven’t seen them at all since this all happened. We tried to offer condolences but they wouldn’t have any part of it. They’re just holed up in their room.”

“They’ve got to be devastated,” said Dana. “Can you only imagine how you would feel if this happened to Peter?”

“I cannot,” said Edward, “and I don’t want to. I also don’t want Peter to take the punishment for a crazy accident right before his wedding.”

Mattheus and Cindy shared a sudden glance. Peter’s parents were convinced of his innocence, but who knew what had actually gone on - not only under the water, but also between Peter and Allie.

“Have the bride’s family and wedding party been interviewed?” Cindy asked.

“Yes, they have,” said Edward, “the police here pride themselves on being thorough. Naturally, they haven’t told us what her family said.”

“Tell us a little about the relationship between Peter and Allie,” said Cindy.

Allie was an only child,” Dana looked at Cindy knowingly. “She was extremely attached to Peter almost from the start. Peter always felt that it was up to him to take care of her. That’s why this has to be particularly devastating for him as well.”

“What do you mean very attached?” asked Mattheus.

Edward stood up at that moment and then sat down again. He didn’t like what he’d heard being said.

“Peter and Allie were very compatible,” Edward insisted. “I don’t know why Dana says they were overly attached! Peter always seemed happy when I saw him with Allie. I said that to Dana, again and again.”

“Did Dana feel otherwise?” Mattheus asked.

“It’s not that,” Dana burst in, “mothers see things one way, fathers another. Edward is simply saying that he admired Allie, was looking forward to having her as a daughter in law. Allie was quite different from me. It might have been a relief for him. I can be a very strong woman at times, perhaps a bit overwhelming.”

“Did I ever say you were overwhelming?” said Edward, irritated.

“Not in so many words, of course,” Dana replied.

“How else were you and Allie so different?” Cindy asked Dana, alerted.

“Allie went along with whatever Peter wanted,” Dana replied. “I wondered about it at times and so did others. Some people thought she didn’t have a mind of her own, or was too malleable. But she did well in school, had a good job in advertising. Everyone who knew her liked her a lot.”

“Did you like her?” asked Cindy.

“Of course Dana liked her,” Edward jumped in quickly. “We all loved her. Would we have made a wedding like this and paid for every bit of it, if we didn’t?”

“Quite a shindig,” Mattheus said, reprovingly.

“My son works in my company and has been down on the Island all through his life. He loves it here and so do I. Peter completely deserves this wedding.”

“Did I ever say he didn’t?” Dana gasped.

“Not you,” Edward was growing heated, “but Mattheus is suggesting something -.”

Cindy wanted to immediately cut into the tension between them.

“And the bride’s family?” she asked Dana, “were they happy about the wedding?”

“They couldn’t care less where the wedding was held,” Dana said emphatically.

“That seems odd,” Cindy replied.

“Of course they care,” Edward corrected Dana, “they’re just not in the league to pay for this kind of thing. They were happy to have us do it for them.”

“How do you know they were happy?” Cindy asked quickly.

“Allie told me that herself,” Edward said, “and she also mentioned it to Mac, my partner and best friend.”

Mattheus took a deep breath and so did Cindy.

“Seems like there are quite a few people to speak to,” said Mattheus.

“Tell me more about Mac?” asked Cindy. Each new person opened a whole new door for them to walk through in finding that one precious detail that could turn it all around.

“Mac’s my partner,” Edward seemed relieved to be talking about his best friend. It settled him down a bit, made things seem more normal. “We started the company together years ago. He’s great with getting new business, a people person. Mac’s known Peter since he was a child, is practically an uncle to him.”

“What difference does any of this make?” Dana cried out, suddenly putting her face in her hands. “Just get Peter out from the grip of the police!”

Edward continued blithely, oblivious to his wife’s cry of despair. “Over the years Mac had something to say about each one of Peter’s girlfriends. But he loved Allie. She was close to him too, spoke to him about things.”

“Have the police interviewed Mac?” Mattheus asked.

“The police have interviewed everybody,” Dana inserted, “but it’s routine stuff, superficial. It’s only Peter they keep grilling and grilling.”

“They need to tie this up, pin it on someone “Edward chimed in. “And, they’ve got to keep as much as possible under the radar. This is not the kind of thing that brings good publicity, especially now with the festival coming. Thousands are headed to the Island.”

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