Crashing the Net: Seattle Sockeyes Hockey (Game On in Seattle #2)

Yeah, it was better they’d moved on because right now he wanted to show Wolfe just how much better hockey players were at fighting. The prick wouldn’t stand a chance if Cooper took off the figurative gloves.

Yet, he wouldn’t. He’d play nice no matter how much it killed him because this cause happened to be something he believed in. Kids were getting too soft, spending too much time playing video games, instead of outside playing ball or hide and seek. And for that reason alone, he’d put up with a million Tanners.

Mrs. Parker finished her spiel, drafted volunteers, and reiterated their next steps. Cooper volunteered to spend his days off visiting local elementary schools and family shelters, coordinating play days with kids and explaining their program.

Tanner volunteered to help Izzy with the kickoff fundraiser, which grated on Cooper to no end that those two would be spending more time together.

Cooper elbowed Cedric and shot him a look. Cedric raised his hand to help with the fundraiser.

“Let’s get a beer.” Cedric clapped him on the back as they walked out of the restaurant. Cooper stared straight ahead as Izzy and Tanner laughed and talked in front of them, but they went to their separate cars and left in separate directions.

“Coop, you couldn’t be any more obvious,” Cedric said, jerking Cooper from his jealous stupor.

“No shit.” Cooper didn’t bother to argue. He was being an idiot over a woman.

“Wolfe will play your weaknesses just because he enjoys needling you.”

Cooper nodded. He understood; after all, he was an expert of the very same thing on the ice, getting under a guy’s skin, making him doubt his abilities.

“So either beg her forgiveness because you’re an idiot and acted like an ass or move on.” No sugar-coated sympathy from Cedric; his buddy told it like it was. Usually Cooper appreciated that about him; tonight not so much.

“I’m moving on.” Cooper squared his jaw and followed his friend into a nearby pub, wondering if moving on really was the solution.

Or if he could even manage to do it.

Chapter 3—Neutral Zone

August turned to September, and Izzy worked her butt off, trying to be everything to everyone, even when they didn’t ask her to do so. She avoided Cooper the few times she’d been forced to be around him. Yet all the distance in the world didn’t stop her insane longing for him or her late-night fantasies. Time flew by, and it was already the second week of September. Her sisters got ready for another quarter of college, and Izzy forced herself not to be jealous of them. She’d go to college later, once they’d had the chance to graduate.

On this particular night, Izzy applied finishing touches to her makeup, while Betheni lounged against the doorjamb of the small bathroom in the apartment they shared.

“So you have a date with Tanner Wolfe?”

“Not a date. We’re meeting about the fundraiser.”

Betheni frowned. “Why are we getting into party planning? That’s not what we’re about.”

Izzy studied her pretty sister in the mirror. “We’re about building our business, making money, and having a better life. Ethan and Lauren recommended us to Mrs. Parker. Besides, I like party planning. We’ve attended so many over the years and talked about what we would’ve done to make each party better if we’d planned it, why not try our hand at it?”

Betheni shrugged. “You have a point.” She pushed her long red hair off her face and grinned a wicked smile, meaning she was up to something. “Tanner is hot, really hot. I wouldn’t mind taking a run at him.”

“Go for it.”

“You’re not interested?”

“Not in any way, shape, or form.” Izzy turned back to the mirror.

“Why not?”

Izzy didn’t want to answer that loaded question. Betheni knew her too well. She’d take her answer and run with it, imagining all sorts of things which weren’t there, such as Izzy still having a thing for Cooper. Utterly ridiculous. Why would Izzy attach herself to a man who behaved all caveman and embarrassed the hell out of her?

Cooper did not fit into Izzy’s life, and she didn’t fit into his. They were like fire and ice, fire one second and ice the next.

Betheni laughed, already reading her expression. “Don’t answer that. You want Cooper.”

Izzy opened her mouth to argue then snapped it shut. “How stupid is that? Really? Why would I want a guy like that?”

“Why? Because he’s gorgeous and has a great body. He’s very driven like you and underneath it all, a nice guy. Oh, not to mention, he’s riiiich.” Betheni’s eyes glowed at the thought of all that money, and from what Izzy read, the team paid Cooper well.

“I don’t care about the rich part. His money doesn’t matter to me.” And it didn’t. Despite their constant struggles to make ends meet, Izzy never cared about Cooper’s money. “But he’s controlling and jealous. I can’t deal with that.”

“Because you have to be in control, too.” Betheni picked up Izzy’s red passion lipstick and tried it on.

“I’m the oldest. Of course I do.” Izzy snatched her favorite lipstick out of her sister’s hands.

Betheni just smiled. “Have fun with the Wolfe Man.”

Izzy rolled her eyes, grabbed her raincoat, and head out the door. A few minutes later, she walked into a dark, neighborhood bar. Tanner was already there, entertaining a group of fans, mostly female, who gathered around the booth.

Izzy sighed. The guy had an ego as big as Mount Rainier and then some. He looked up as she approached and said something to the group of women who giggled and scattered, leaving them alone.

Izzy slid into the seat across from him. “Wow, what’d you say to them?”

Tanner grinned. “Jealous?”

“Not hardly, but a little surprised your adoring fans gave up so easily.”

Jami Davenport's books