Court of Nightfall (The Nightfall Chronicles #1)

Jax stared deep into my eyes and spoke softly. "Tell your agents to retreat. You will be taken into custody, but you can still save your people."

I pushed through my haze to try to reach him with logic. "If you don't come with me, they'll kill you."

He gritted his teeth. "A price I'm willing to pay."

Zorin was right all along. He was a caged lion who had learned to call his prison home. I couldn't change his mind. Not as Nightfall. Maybe not even as Scarlett. He wouldn't betray the Orders, even after they'd betrayed him. Even to save his own life. I felt tears well in my eyes. I couldn't lose Jax. My last true friend. The last of my family. But if he wouldn't go with me willingly, then I was powerless to save him.

"I'm sorry," I said as I unleashed my wings to full effect and surrounded us both in silver white light, blinding Jax. The blade cut at my throat and I pushed it away and flew upward with us both. Jax struggled against me, trying to kill me. I never thought I'd be in the position of defending my life against Jax. The pain nearly killed me, saving him the trouble.

I yanked the blade from him, dropped closer to the ground, and let him fall.

Jax stumbled, falling to his side as the Inquisition Officers surrounded him, taking him back into custody.

I looked away from the man I loved and addressed Ragathon as I rose back into the sky, the skyscrapers fading below me. "My agents will not attack," I said on the speakers, the cut on my throat already healing. "Hold your position until we have left." I boarded the Night Raven and took myself off speakers to address the rebels. "Pull back," I told them.

"This was pointless," said T. R. "We should at least take the Inquisitor prisoner."

"No," I said, programming in my new destination. "He may choose to fight instead of sacrificing himself. We pull back."

"You heard her," Trix said. "Everyone pull back."

"Such a waste," T.R. grumbled, but he obeyed.

"Not a waste," I said as I flew out of the city and back to the Cathedral. "We revealed the truth to the public, we proved we could outmaneuver the Inquisition, and we showed them all the Nephilim have returned."

"We, N?" Trix asked, and I could practically hear the smile in her voice. "Are you joining us now?"

"Just explaining what we accomplished," I said with a sigh. "I'll meet you back at the rendezvous." I cut the comm and pulled off my mask. As the Night Raven piloted me to our safe house, I buried my face in my hands and sobbed.


I couldn't let them see what this failure had done to me. Couldn't let them know that this was personal. Only Zorin knew, and even then he didn't really know.

My best friend, my only remaining family, was about to be killed for something he didn't do, and he'd rejected his only way out. He would rather die than do what I was doing now, aiding the rebel cause. How could he and I be so different? We'd shared everything growing up, but now, I didn't understand him at all.

I was glad of my mask as I sat around an old oak table with Trix and T.R. across from me and Zorin at my side. Outside the sun had already set, casting the world into darkness. Fitting.

They would be hanging him now. Or would Ragathon choose to use his hammer? I shook my head to clear away the brooding thoughts as Trix leaned back in her chair.

"We didn't get Sir Lux, but we'd rather have you, N," she said. "With Nephilim on our side, we could really make a difference."

"You mean, you could start a second war." My voice sounded hollow. Dead.

"We can crush the Orders," she countered.

"Really? Then why did we nearly go extinct to begin with? The Twilight Court had hundreds of Nephilim fighting and they still lost. We have two. We needed Sir Lux."

As silence fell, the rebels looked between Zorin and me, and then Trix cocked her head toward him. "What about you? Where do you stand in all this?"

Zorin looked at me, then back at them. "I'm with Nightfall," he said. "But, if I can be of assistance, please call on me."

His offer surprised me. Maybe he had more hope in their cause than I did.

"Here," Trix said, passing him an e-Glass. "Use this to stay in contact. It's encrypted, so no one can trace the signal."

"Thank you." He took the device and slipped it into his pocket.

Trix turned back to me, her green eyes scrutinizing. "So how about it, N? You with us?"

With Jax gone, dead… what was the point of any of this? "I need to go." I stood and headed toward the front door, back to the Night Raven.

"We can help each other, N," Trix called after me. "You've seen that."

Had I? What had we really accomplished after all? I'd spouted some lines about our success, but without Jax…

"Let her go," T.R. said from behind me. "She broke her promise."

I spun around to face him as he continued.

"The aircraft you took down. It crashed in the streets. That pilot and anyone around died." He glared at me with his blue eyes. "You promised no one would die."

"The aircraft had no pilot," I said, a weariness forming in my bones. "And I controlled the crash."