Cold Blooded IV: Bloody Shadows (Nick McCarty Assassin Series) (Volume 4)

“Did Rachel pick up Jean okay?”

“Yep. I sent John with her anyway, in case there were any holdovers from the flag bashing idiots. It seems that particular bunch have decided to curb their baser tendencies, since you influenced a lot of the parents to file complaints against the instigators.”

“We took Sonny home, and Rachel went in to meet the Salvatores,” John added. “She said it turned from a ‘hi, and how are you, pleased to meet you’, into an interrogation. Rachel said Mr. Salvatore wondered how they met, what she did, what you did when you weren’t writing pulp, and what you used for inspiration. Then, according to Rachel, he snuck in a grinning joke about all your supposed badges from different federal entities.”

“Oh boy,” Nick muttered. He stopped at the corner of a building nearly three blocks away. He stuffed his long coat and bowler hat in the brief case, changing into the Giants ball cap and black windbreaker from the case. Nick drew the hood over the ball cap, tightening it in place before proceeding on to the BART station. “As long as everyone survived, we’ll stay away from the Salvatores, and let Jean develop her friendship with Sonny on her own. I’m headed to the BART station right now. All quiet on the Western Front. Start tuning into the news, and keep me updated.”

“Will do,” Gus replied. “That scene you left them should be enough of a mystery to keep them busy for a long while. We’ll let you know when the janitor discovers the bodies. How long will the woman be out?”

“Probably until midnight or so. She’ll definitely be on display for the janitor. You guys go ahead and watch the monitors, and news. I have a ways to go.”

Nick made it to the Market Street Station in good time, amongst a crowd of people at the normally busy station. At SFO International, he retrieved his car, and headed for home without anything happening on his way that would call attention to his trip. A couple of hours later, Nick walked in the front door, having made great time. John greeted him.

“They only just discovered Wargul and his girl. The janitorial staff had to make due with two fewer workers from the snatches of conversation we heard between them and the security guard. The police arrived a few minutes ago. Rachel and Jean are in Jean’s room. Go say goodnight. Gus and I will keep track for you.

“Thanks, John.” Nick fended off the excited Deke who flew down the stairs to greet him. “Easy Deke. Have you been taking care of our women folk? Let’s go check in with them, and then I’ll give you some exercise.”

Jean rushed over to give Nick a hug as he cleared the doorway behind Deke. “Dad! You made it home before ten. Nice.”

“Yep. My small business trip was good, and I’ll have a favorable report for Tim and Grace. I heard you and your Mom had quite the meet and greet at the Salvatores.”

“That’s an understatement.” Rachel came over to embrace Nick. “I handled the interrogation pretty well. You’re right as usual. There’s something going on we are not aware of. I’m certain Sonny doesn’t have a clue. He was giving his old man the fisheye at some of the questions. The Mom is in on the game though.”

“I’m not messing around with Sonny anymore,” Jean stated. “His parents are weird. Heck, we’re weird, but we mind our own business.”

“True, but you don’t have to stop being Sonny’s friend,” Nick said. “Your Mom and I will continue to be polite, but I think we’ll stay away from the Salvatores. They want to know a lot more than a couple of regular parents would want to know. His ties to a couple of very suspect people in government, and then being demoted to the West Coast might mean he’s a bit upset with me.”

“Sonny’s really nice. He apologized for his Father today at school. Like Mom said, he was confused at the way his parents were acting. I could tell he thought they’d be nicer.”

“Get some sleep. The Dekester and I will be escorting you to school. I’ll say hello to Tim and Grace for you.”

“Goodnight, Dad. I’m glad you’re okay. I was worried. I knew tonight was important, and I saw Uncle Gus and Uncle John’s faces. I could tell they were worried.”

Nick kissed her on the forehead. “Thanks for worrying. See you in the morning.”

Rachel kissed Jean goodnight, and followed Nick out. “I’m going to bed, Nick. That Salvatore guy wore me out. It’s lucky I didn’t have my stun-gun with me. I would have lit him up. Are you going to walk Deke tonight?”

Nick glanced down at Deke, who cocked his head quizzically as he walked next to Nick. “Yeah, I’m taking him out. I have to stay awake for a while until I see how my business does in the media. If it’s not on the late night news, I’ll have done real well staying under the radar.”

Rachel bumped against Nick, grabbing his hand. “Wake me when you come to bed.”