Chasing Leah (Journey #1)


Almost a week had passed since I had forgiven Chase and he had yet to call. His truck had been missing from the parking lot anytime I was home and I never saw a sliver of light peeking out from the hallway. It now seemed like he was the one avoiding me.

Every time my phone rang or a new message alerted I scrambled to get it but no Chase. I started to worry that I had pushed him too far by waiting so long to hear his side of things and maybe he didn’t want to take things slow. At this rate I was ready to toss that whole stupid slow thing out the window as long as I had Chase back.

“Hey sweetie how you doing?” Remy asks as she interrupts my thoughts of Chase. “Oh um I’m fine Rem. Just thinking.” I finish putting in the order that I had stopped doing midway through and grab the coffee pot to see if any refills are needed.

“Thinking about Chase I’m sure. He still hasn’t called?”

I zigzag my way through tables and fill up cups as I go before answering her. “No he hasn’t. I don’t know Rem maybe things just weren’t meant to be.”

Although my heart tells a different story by the heaviness I feel in it from not hearing from Chase. I had picked up the phone so many times just to call him but stopped myself before the call went through.

“I dunno about that Leah. Maybe he just needs a little bit of time too. You’ll see, things will work out, you two are perfect together. Can you take these out to table five for me, I need to cash these other customers out.”

“Sure, no problem.” I grab a couple of plates filled with eggs and bacon and head over to the table, checking on a few of my own customers before I make my way back to the counter to wait for my next order.

“You want to come over tonight, we could work on that paper together if you want?” Remy asks as she counts out the change for the waiting customer.

“I wish I could we really need to get a jump start on that. But I promised I would help Ally with some sorority thing. Their doing some cleanup work at a park near campus and she conned me into it.”

Really I just felt like I needed to spend some one on one time with her. She had finally confessed to me that her and Skylar had decided to go their separate ways but they were still going to do the whole let’s just be friends thing. I was shocked that she hadn’t instantly spilled this to me considering she had dubbed them as soul mates but she said she didn’t want to bother me when she knew I was dealing with everything else.

I felt guilty that my love life and its sticky problems somehow trumped hers but she insisted that she just wasn’t feeling it with Skylar and things were really okay. Skylar and her were too much alike according to Ally which if I thought about it was pretty true and Ally was looking for a challenge. That so did not sound like a fun time to me but whatever floats her boat I guess. Apparently she thought her feelings about Chase and I being soul mates was still right and she was convinced we would work things out.

Remy giggles as she turns back to me patting me on the shoulder. “Aw poor thing. Ally can be so persuasive can’t she? At least you’re helping the community out.”

“I can never tell her no but I’m sure it’ll be fine. At least the weathers starting to get a little nicer out.”

It was just the beginning of spring and I was glad to see the signs of snow clear out and stay gone for awhile. After I finally got my nursing degree I was going to move far far away and live somewhere warm on the beach. I’m sure the park would be a mess to clean up now that the snow had all melted.

After finishing up my morning shift, Remy and I head to our two classes that we had together for the day. At 4:00 I made my way over to the park that was within walking distance of the campus but found nothing but an empty parking lot.

I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Ally asking where I’m supposed to meet up with her. Within a minute she texts back to meet her in the shelter building beyond the walking path that wraps around the small park. Hopefully this doesn’t take too long, I’m supposed to pick up Caleb around six from daycare and we have plans of a lazy night with his favorite of mac n cheese and pb & j’s planned for a very nutritional dinner.

I head that way and push open the door at the front entrance that opens into a pitch black room. Suddenly I’m wishing I was carrying that mace Mr. James insisted Ally and I both carried in our purses when we headed off to school. Where the heck was Ally and why was no one around? I lay my hand flat against the wall to feel for a light switch and finally found it with a flick of my finger.