Beneath These Scars (Beneath #4)

Colson’s mouth twisted. “Come on, Yve. Don’t you think you’re getting a little ambitious here? Do you even really care about him? Or are you just getting comfortable playing mistress of the manor?”

“That’s not what I’m doing. And I’m sure as hell not justifying anything to you.”

Colson slid a folder across the counter.

“What is that?”

“Your new place.” He flipped it open and slid a glossy piece of paper toward me. It was a brochure for buildings that had been newly renovated into condos not far from the edge of the Quarter. “Convenient for Lucas to visit you from work or home.”

He slid another piece of paper across the desk. It was a deed in the name of Titan Holdings LLC, and it was dated three days after my apartment had exploded.

What the hell? Something cold and slimy swam in the pit of my stomach.

“Did he buy this?”

Colson met my eyes. “Well, I sure didn’t buy it for you.” He leaned over the counter. “He’s had a plan for you all along, Yve. Why don’t you make it easier on both of you and not put up a fight? Lucas has worked too long and too hard to let a piece of ass distract him from accomplishing his goals. I’m not going to let you get in the way, especially if Valentina’s father has connections we can use to get more political weight on our side to accomplish it.”

I didn’t know what political weight and Valentina’s father had to do with anything, but I knew that Colson had overstayed his welcome. “Get the hell out of my store.”

Colson pushed off the counter. “Ah, the store.” He flipped the deed over and revealed another agreement. The heading read Asset Purchase Agreement, and a few things jumped out at me immediately—my name, Harriet’s name, and Dirty Dog.

“What is this?”

“Lucas had our lawyers draft it the same day as the condo deed.” His twisted smile widened. “Like I said, you must be a hell of a fuck.”

It didn’t make sense. None of it. Was Lucas just maneuvering me where he wanted me? All of our discussions about how I could find ways to buy Dirty Dog from Harriet—had he been playing me the whole time?

I didn’t understand.

Colson slid the papers back into the folder and tucked it under his arm. “I’m sure you’ll be seeing these again soon, but I wanted to make sure we were on the same page. My job is to make Lucas’s life easier, and you coming to terms with this now is the smart thing.”

He tapped the folder on the counter. “You’re not going to make an issue out of this, are you, Yve? You’re going to go along with everything because that’s the only way you’re going to get what you want.” I lifted my eyes to his, and he continued. “Yeah, I know all about how much you love this place. I’d sure hate to see Lucas pull the plug on this deal before you get what you’ve been earning.”

“Get out,” I said, my voice low and quiet. “Get the hell out.”

The back door opened, and footsteps approached. “Yve, is everything—oh, Colson, I didn’t realize you had business here.” Jerome sounded honestly confused by the man’s presence.

“Just leaving. Good to see you, Jerome.” Colson turned and strode out, the chimes jingling in his wake.

I could feel Jerome’s gaze on me. “What’s wrong, my dear? You look unwell. Did he say something to upset you?”

I lifted my head and studied the old man. He’d known Lucas longer than anyone, except Levi. I decided to toss my pride to the wind and ask a question I wasn’t sure I wanted an answer to.

“Has Lucas set his sights on Valentina Noble?”

Jerome cleared his throat, his attention darting to the clock above my head. “Well, it’s not really my place to—”

“Come on. Don’t give me that excuse. Just tell me.”

He shifted his weight and crossed his arms. “Before he met you, I thought it was a good chance that she was someone I’d be seeing more of. But as far as I know, he hasn’t had any interaction with her since.”

I hated the spike of jealousy stabbing through me. This was Valentina, someone I liked and respected; I shouldn’t hate this so much. But my stomach still rebelled at the thought of Lucas and her together—the gorgeous black-haired man and the raven-haired beauty.

“What do you know about him buying a condo?”

Jerome shook his head. “Mr. Titan often buys investment properties. That wouldn’t be unusual at all.”

The deed had been in the name of one of Lucas’s companies. Was Colson trying to twist this all around? But what was his angle? Some kind of messed-up revenge because I’d shot him down so hard?

But how did that explain the agreement about Dirty Dog? Lucas had sworn he’d stay out of it and let me decide how I wanted to handle it. Had that all been lip service? I didn’t know what to believe.

The old me yelled, Go back to the house, get your stuff, and get the hell out. You don’t need someone trying to buy you. But the new me that had seen more than one side of Lucas hesitated to jump to conclusions.