Beneath These Scars (Beneath #4)

My curiosity demanded I find out.

As the horses walked in the direction of a trail that cut into the trees, I concentrated on letting my body rock with the movement of Belle’s stride. Once I got comfortable with it, my mind wandered right back to the man beside me. I dared to take my eyes off my horse and glance at him. Lucas sat easily in the saddle, looking as if he was as comfortable there as behind a desk.

“Do you come out here a lot?” I asked.

“I’ve been a few times,” he said, keeping his eyes ahead.

“You don’t seem like the kind of man to take quite so long to make a decision.”

“And what makes you think you understand what kind of man I am?”

My horse slowed as we reached a fork in the trail, and I felt like I was living a Robert Frost poem. One trail was sunny and bright while the other was darker, more shaded by the stately trees.

Two paths diverged in a yellow wood.

And sorry I could not travel both.

I’d already decided I trusted a man most considered a villain. Was I making a mistake? I guess I’ll find out.

Lucas pulled his horse to a halt. “Which path do you want to take, Yve?”

I met his eyes. “I’m following you, Lucas. Lead the way.”

My decision had been made.

We finally slowed near a big man-made lake. I had no idea how far we’d gone because I’d lost myself in the rhythm of Belle’s movements and Lucas’s surprisingly comfortable companionship. We hadn’t talked much, just a few comments from him about my form, mostly along the lines of “heels down” and “good seat.” Still, it was nice just to be.

Lucas dismounted and looped his horse’s reins around a post that appeared to have been placed there for that purpose. He was at my side and lifting me down before I realized what was happening. When my feet hit the ground, I stumbled, but Lucas was prepared. He kept hold of my waist as I grabbed his shoulders.

“Whoa,” I said, surprised when my legs shook.

“Easy. You’re not used to sitting astride for that long. Takes a little getting used to for your muscles.” He lowered his head to my ear. “I’ve neglected putting you on top. My mistake. Then you would’ve had some conditioning.”

I shoved his shoulder. “You’re such a guy.”

Lucas squeezed my waist. “One who is ready to fix that situation.”

“I doubt my legs could hold me right now,” I said with a laugh.

Lucas turned and pulled me into his side, his arm dropping around my shoulders. “Come on, let’s walk, get you stretched out, and then you can ride me.”

I jerked my head to look up at him. “You mean ride back.”

Lucas’s seductive grin was in place. “Do I?”

I didn’t think before I said, “You know, you really can be charming as hell when you’re not being a dick.”

One eyebrow quirked up, and I waited for the walls to slam down into place. And waited.

“Are you complimenting me, Yve?”

I relaxed. “I’m just saying I like you this way. You’re easy to be around. It’s nice. My vote is for buying this place, because I think it makes you happy.”

Lucas’s gaze shuttered and the smile on his face faded. “What would make me happy is for you to be naked.”

Apparently our conversation was over, but I was good to roll with this change of subject.

His hands slid up my jacket until he reached the buttons, then unhooked them one by one. Once he’d undone them all, Lucas tugged it off and pulled me to the bench near the lake. Laying the jacket over the top, he started on the buttons of my shirt.

I reached for the hem of his T-shirt. “I think you being naked would make me happy too.”

Lucas pulled the sides of my shirt apart, and I helped drag his up and over his head. His eyes—hot and hungry this time—devoured my semi-nakedness.

“I don’t say it enough, but you’re fucking gorgeous. I should tell you that more often.”

Something in me, I refused to pinpoint what exactly, clenched almost painfully. “Why don’t you show me instead?”

Lucas pulled the shirt from my arms and laid it over his on the bench. “Gladly.” He looked around. “Our options are limited, though.”

“I’m not complaining.” And I certainly didn’t.

Lucas rolled on a condom and made use of our limited options. He held me close, both arms wrapped firmly around me as I bent over the back of the bench, and he pressed kiss after open-mouthed kiss to my shoulders, neck, and jaw. His teeth grazed the tendon along my neck as he told me how beautiful I was, how good it felt to be buried inside me, and how he couldn’t let me go.

The pleasure was every bit as intense as the other times we’d been together, but there was something very different about this Lucas. He was almost . . . worshipful.

Something had shifted between us.

I moaned his name as I came, with no urging. It was the only word I could bring to my lips. And the tight grip I had on my heart began to slip.

Later, I slowed my mount with a triumphant laugh. “I trotted! And did that posting thing!”