Beneath These Scars (Beneath #4)

So I said no. Again. “You know that’d just be asking for trouble.”

“And yet I keep asking, beautiful.”

I smiled at the compliment. “You’re always smooth, I’ll give you that.”

“Because one day you’re going to give in to me.”

“I keep telling you not to get your hopes up.”

When I reached out to accept the package he was holding just out of reach, he said, “What’s a man got, if he doesn’t have hope, Yve?” His tone was serious as his warm brown eyes bored into mine.

With a line like that, if my life weren’t such a complete disaster, maybe I would consider taking him up on one date. Maybe.

The front door chime sounded, and I heard JP, as she’d told me she preferred to be called, chatting with whoever had entered.

“Hope can be a dangerous thing, Kev.” My smile was almost certainly sad, but he didn’t let it discourage him.

“I think you need someone to show you that hope is the most beautiful thing there is, except for maybe you.”

“Nice line,” a deep voice drawled from behind me.

I didn’t have to look over my shoulder to identify the source. Titan’s voice was imprinted on my memory, and probably would be for the rest of my natural life. It also seemed that my reaction to him would continue to be predictable. My entire body hummed to life as soon as it registered that he was in the vicinity.

Kevin looked over my shoulder, and lifted his chin. “Ain’t no line. And you’re interrupting.”

“I’m interrupting the delivery guy? In what? Trying to hit on the hot shopkeeper? Tell me this isn’t something that happens every day, and I’ll be shocked.”

My cheeks burned with embarrassment. If Titan was going to be a dick to a nice guy . . .

Kevin straightened and puffed his chest out. Built like a brick shit house, he was easily an inch or two taller than Titan, and outweighed him by at least thirty pounds.

Oh great. I was about to witness a pissing match. Just what I needed.

But Titan didn’t play fair. Before I could sidestep so I could have both of them in my sight, Titan’s hands came around my shoulders and a necklace dropped onto my chest.

“I think you left this at my house last night.”

My palm went to my chest and I felt a pendant beneath it. An unfamiliar one.

What the hell?

I turned to look at him, my mouth opening to ask what in the world he thought he was doing, but Kevin interrupted me.

“So that’s it. Figured there had to be another guy. Guess that makes me feel a little better. Hope you know what you’re doing, Yve.”


“I better get on. I’ve got a schedule to keep.”

And he was gone, the back door banging shut behind him.

I whirled on Titan as I reached back to unclasp whatever necklace he’d just put around my neck. “What the hell was that?”

He shrugged. “It was out in your stock. It looked like it should belong to you.”

“And you decided to lie?”

His eyes narrowed. “I decided to do what was expedient. The man looked at you like he was already half in love with you. You clearly wanted nothing to do with him, and I’m guessing you’ve been trying to extricate yourself from that awkward situation on a daily basis. You can thank me for taking care of it for you.”

“I didn’t ask you to—”

“Do you ever ask anyone for help, Yve?”

I paused. It wasn’t the first time he’d asked me that, but how the hell did he read me so easily? The man was self-absorbed, completely selfish. He shouldn’t be able to make an accurate study of my character at all.

“Does it matter?”

He took the box out of my hands and set it on the floor before backing me into the corner. With anyone else, and especially after the night I’d had, this maneuver would’ve had me climbing the walls—but not with Titan.

Why not?

I remembered my vow to shock him, to render him speechless. No time like the present.

“You really want a piece of me, Titan? Want a repeat performance of what happened in your kitchen?”

His green eyes flashed in the dim light of the back hallway. “You know I do.”

“Then I’ve got an arrangement for you.”

One dark, arrogant eyebrow rose. “Is that so?”

“Yes. Just sex. No strings. Whenever I want it, wherever I want it.”

“And what about what I want?”

I grinned, and I hoped it looked as devious as it felt. “I don’t give a damn what you want. All I want is that cock of yours and the orgasms you can give me.”

His lips twitched. “I don’t let anyone call the shots. Ever.”

“Then you’re never getting another piece of this ass.” I slapped the side of my hip for emphasis.

“You tempt me, woman. You have no idea how much you tempt me.”

“So give in to temptation, Titan.”

He pressed both palms to the wall on either side of my head. “I don’t agree to anything that puts me at a disadvantage.”

“You don’t want to be my booty call?” I taunted.

A growl rose from low in his throat. “When? Where?”

And I’d won.