Beard Science (Winston Brothers #3)

“In this theoretical scenario, the stolen evidence will be found in the possession of low-ranking motorcycle club members along with exceptionally well-organized lists detailing names, places, and events of their racketeering activities. All information contained on these lists is entirely accurate. Just, you know, now well organized.”

“You set them up.” Duane gave me a thoughtful glare. “You organized their chaos, didn’t you? You helped them look better so every member will come under an organized crime charge.”

“That wipes them out.” Roscoe gazed at me with wonder, then huffed a shocked laugh. “That completely annihilates the Wraiths. Anyone associated with them goes to prison, all on the same charge.”

“It’s not the Wraiths. It’s a theoretical motorcycle club,” Beau corrected, smirking. Then he laughed. “I’m so happy you don’t hate me.”

My brothers and sister ended up staring into space, each lost to their own thoughts. I gave them a full minute to think the issue over. But a minute was all I could stand.

“So,” I said loudly, startling them out of their contemplations, “let’s take the vote.”

“What vote?” Duane looked to Beau, as though checking to see if he’d missed something.

“I want y’all to vote on whether I see this plan through. Everything is in place. All I need to do is make a phone call.” I glanced around the room, seeing they understood the situation. “It’s up to you.”

“It’s up to us?” Beau sounded truly perplexed. “Since when? Since when is it up to us?”

“Since he fell in love and realized meddling comes with a price tag.” Jethro set his coffee mug to one side and picked up his knitting. I noticed he was making a baby hat; it was yellow and it looked soft.

“Isaac Sylvester,” Billy said, drawing my attention to him. “You don’t want to pull the trigger because of Isaac.”

I shook my head and answered honestly. “No. That’s not it. He has to take responsibility for his own actions and their ramifications, just like I do. Just like everybody does.” Quoting Jennifer was strangely satisfying.

“That sounded very wise.” Ashley narrowed her eyes on me, heavy with suspicion.

“Then why do we get a vote?” Duane the Distrustful also squinted at me.

“Because I’m doing this because of y’all. Well, that’s not quite true. I’m doing it for me—because I’d like to see Darrell’s face when he realizes everything he ever cared about is destroyed—but I’m also doing it for all of you.”

Six sets of eyes stared at me, but it was Billy who cast the first vote.

“I say yes. Take them down.” He stood, glaring at me, his jaw ticking. His vote was not a surprise.

“I also say yes,” Duane put in, swapping a stare with Billy. “I hope they all burn in hell.”

“I say no.” Beau glanced between Duane and me. “I say let things happen naturally. If the law has evidence against them, let them use it. I don’t want any of us to be implicated. Let them make their own bed. It has nothing to do with us.”

“I agree with Beau.” Ashley nodded. “They’ll shoot themselves in the foot sooner or later. It has nothing to do with us. I don’t like you being involved, Cletus. What if it comes back to you?” The concern in her tone warmed my heart. I loved my sister. She was an angel. A beautiful, infuriating angel.

“I’m against it.” Roscoe finally spoke up. “For all the reasons Beau and Ashley said. Plus, I know some of those new recruits. I went to high school with several of those guys. They’re not bad, they’re just lost. They shouldn’t be held accountable for the actions of guys like Razor and Dirty Dave—those two are psychos.”

I nodded, making a mental tally. Duane and Billy were for my plan; Beau, Ashley, and Roscoe were against. Everyone must’ve been counting in their heads because Jethro became the focus of the entire room.

And he must’ve felt our stares because he gathered a large inhale, yet kept his eyes studiously on his knitting.

“Jethro?” I prompted. “How do you vote?”

He shook his head. “I abstain.”

“What?” Duane growled, glancing between our oldest brother and me. “What do you mean you abstain?”

“I mean I abstain. I’m not voting.”

“Why the hell not?” Again, thank you for your input, Duane of sunshine and rainbows.

“Because I’m the deciding vote.” The sharpness and intensity of Jethro’s voice took us all by surprise. He lowered his knitting and glared at Duane, speaking through clenched teeth. “And I hate those motherfuckers more than you. More than any of you.” His gaze swung to Billy and their eyes held. “But I’m not going to allow hate to make my decisions. If I voted, I would vote to destroy them all. So I can’t vote. Because I’m not that person anymore.”

Silence hung like a noose around our necks while Billy and Jethro traded glares. But Billy was the first to look away.

“Fine. You have your answer, Cletus.” He swallowed once, then sat back down in his chair.