Among Thieves: A Novel

“Why? What for?”

“I don’t know. So what. Let them kill him. What does he know that can hurt us? Nothing. Ahmet won’t say anything anyhow. It’s just another reason to get to Beck fast.”

“How many men did Beck have?”

“I don’t know. I was with Crane. What does it matter? I can get more. Ask Kolenka for men.”

Markov lapsed into silence. After a few moments he said, “All right, Gregor, listen to me. Right now my thinking is, go for the woman first.”

“The woman?”

Markov spoke more calmly. “I know what you want to do, Gregor. You want to go after Beck. But he escaped you twice. How many times do you want to make the same mistake? Be patient. Do this my way. You’ll have your time with him, I promise you. I’ll call you back and let you know what to do. Where to go.”

Markov broke off the call and dialed Milstein’s number. When he answered, Markov got right to the point.

“Do you know where I can find the woman?”

“I’m working on it. I’ve called her home number, her cell phone. She doesn’t answer.”

“She’s not at home. She’s hiding somewhere by now. All right, listen. Get me all the information you have for her. Addresses. Social Security number. Bank information. If she has a company credit card, the numbers. Financials. Everything. Check your personnel records. I want it now. E-mail to me.”

He hung up before Milstein could protest about the late hour.

Yes, Markov said to himself. Find the woman. She is the key to Beck.

He’d heard from Crane more than once how astounding the woman was. He would find her, strip her naked, do things to her she had never imagined, then turn her over to Gregor and his Bosnians. They would destroy her and take their time doing it. Then they would see how good Mr. Beck is at this game.

As soon as Milstein supplied the information, he would call Redmond. Redmond would have more resources to find her than anybody. Plan it right. Move fast. No mistakes this time.

Markov spat toward the wastebasket near the small desk in his room. No whore for him tonight. But maybe something better before the night was over. Or, at least different.


Nydia Lopez was an attractive young woman. She was small, but she had a great figure, was strong, and moved with a natural grace. She also had an impressive collection of tattoos, including the burst of stars and lines that extended up the right side of her neck and the back of her head, made visible by the fact that her hair in back was cropped short enough to reveal the ink.

Adding to her style was a red bandana tied into a do-rag under a New York Yankees ball cap with a hologram seal, camouflage pants, boots, leather jacket, and a permanent scowl.

And, then, there was the brutal presence of her Smith & Wesson M&P .40 Compact automatic that she held in her left hand resting on her left thigh.

Nydia took pride in her knowledge of weapons and ammunition. Of all her guns, she loved her Smith & Wesson most. It looked badass. All black and tough looking. Top of the line. Small. Only a 3.5-inch barrel, but it held ten rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber, with lots of features to accommodate left-handed shooters like Nydia.

Olivia wasn’t sure if the tough young woman really believed she had to keep the gun in her hand while they were alone in the room, or if she just liked holding it all the time.

Olivia sat on the hotel room bed, her legs drawn up under her as she read through the stack of newspapers and magazines she had ordered up from the concierge downstairs.

Nydia sat about as far away from Olivia as she could get, slouched in an upholstered armchair, roaming through the TV channels with the sound turned down. She surfed from a show about being locked up in the Indiana State Prison, to a fishing show, to CNN news, to snippets of movies.

It seemed to Olivia that the TV screen soothed her almost as much as the gun.

Olivia wondered what her bodyguard would do after she turned off the lights and went to sleep. Probably sleep on the couch or the floor. Holding the gun?

Clearly. Manny wanted Nydia there as much to keep Olivia in the room as to keep everybody else out. Olivia flipped through the latest issue of Vogue, but couldn’t concentrate on anything. She kept thinking about how much events seemed to be spinning out of control.

The phone call to Nydia had been a welcome relief, even if all it did was break the monotony.

Nydia ended the call and said to Olivia, “Manny says a dude named Beck is coming up. You know him?”

“Yes. When is he coming?”

“Like, right now. I asked Manny what he looks like, but all Manny said was he looks like a guy you don’t want to fuck with.”

“Well, that’s one way of putting it. He’s maybe six, six one. Solid. You know, strong looking. Good head of hair. Dark hair.”


“Do you know why he’s coming?”

“No. Alls Manny said was to let him in.”

Just then, there was a light knock on the door. Followed by another. Just two.

Nydia moved quickly toward the door, the Smith & Wesson held against the side of her left thigh.

She stood in front of the door. There was no peephole. She slid the security lock into place.

“Yeah, who is it?”


“Step back from the door, and don’t move when I open it, or I’ll shoot you.”

“Okay. Is Olivia in there with you?”


“Have her ID me.”

Nydia motioned for Olivia to come to the door. She turned the knob and opened the door as far as the security lock would allow. Olivia leaned around to see if it was Beck.

“It’s him.”

Nydia closed the door, unfastened the security lock, and let Beck in as she quickly stepped back, her gun aimed at the center of his chest.

Beck took one step into the room and let the door shut by itself with a thunk.

John Clarkson's books