All That Is Lost Between Us



Georgia had come to Bethany’s house with a secret to tell, but in the hours since she arrived she hasn’t found the right time. Instead, they have snuggled under the covers in Bethany’s giant bed, drinking cans of Diet Coke and watching old episodes of Vampire Diaries, with Bethany chattering away all the while.

It’s the best Georgia has felt all day. Being somewhere different has allowed her worries to recede. She doesn’t want to move.

When the credits roll round again, Bethany turns to her. ‘You wanna carry on vegging or do something different? We could go out somewhere?’

Georgia hesitates. ‘I think I’d rather stay here. Is that okay?’

‘Of course.’

‘You’re so lucky that your parents have their own lives and don’t crowd you.’

Bethany studies her. ‘There’s good and bad to living in an empty house,’ she replies. ‘But it must be crazy in your family today.’ She turns away and when she swings round again she is cracking open another drink. ‘Want one?’ She holds out a can.

‘No, it’s okay.’ Georgia sets it aside. She has drunk so much already she feels sick. ‘You’re right about home – everyone’s on edge until we know Sophia’s okay.’

‘When will you go to see her?’

Georgia spreads her nails and pretends to examine them, even though they are uneven and paint-free. ‘I don’t know yet.’ She pauses. ‘Maybe I should have gone already, but I’m not sure I can face seeing her like that.’

Bethany reaches out and pats her leg. ‘I know how you feel. It’s pretty scary seeing people you love in hospital. My grandma had a brain tumour a few years ago and when they took us to see her I didn’t recognise her. Her face was all patchy purple and brown like a rotting vegetable – sorry, but there’s no nicer way to put it. It was Gran, but it wasn’t Gran either – do you know what I mean? Gran was the woman who baked a yummy pie and told dirty jokes, not a sedated sack of bones in a bed. Affected me a lot, that did.’

They are both silent for a time, absorbed in their own thoughts. Georgia stares at the flickering menu screen on the television. She takes a big breath. This is her chance. ‘Something happened over the summer . . .’ she begins.

As Bethany turns to her, the doorbell chimes. Georgia jumps. To her dismay, Bethany gets up. ‘Hang on, I’ll just see if I can shoo them away,’ she says, leaving the room.

Soon she can hear voices, and two sets of footsteps are heading up the stairs. Bethany enters the room again, grinning, and winks at Georgia.

‘I told him we were trying to have a one-on-one, but he wouldn’t go away.’

Danny stands awkwardly at the door. ‘When Bethany said you were here, I just wanted to check you were all right, after what happened at school.’

‘I’m okay,’ she replies, ‘what about you?’

He shrugs. ‘I think I am – to be honest it all seems a bit surreal.’

Bethany looks between them. ‘What happened at school?’

‘Georgia collapsed during sport.’

‘What?! Why didn’t you tell me? Are you okay?’

‘I’m fine.’ Georgia doesn’t feel fine at all, tears are pricking her eyes. ‘I didn’t collapse. I just – I’m not sure what happened, but I’m all right now.’

‘So, are you still planning on racing tomorrow?’ Danny asks.

If one more person asks this question she is going to scream. ‘Are you?’ she snaps.

They stare at one other. ‘Ok-ay,’ Bethany says. ‘Perhaps you two need the one-on-one. I’ll be back in a minute.’

As soon as she’s gone, Danny comes and sits on the bed. ‘I’m sorry, of course you’re going to run. I know how hard you’ve been training – and now you’re close to the sponsorship deal. You’re so determined – it’s pretty awesome to watch.’

Georgia had been ready for an argument, but his kindness knocks the fight from her. She searches his eyes, trying to see anything that might indicate he isn’t genuine. He holds her gaze, steadfast and serious. The longer she looks, it’s like he’s breaking her down, forcing her into this connection with him. Her strength is all on the outside today, inside she is weak. His will is stronger than hers, and when he leans over she knows what is going to happen. While she lets him get closer and closer she is screaming at herself to stop. More confusion is the last thing she needs right now. She doesn’t want or deserve this moment.

Sara Foster's books