Deception (Infidelity #3)

I wasn’t Oren meeting in a closed office building.

Near a back corner, I found an available table with high-back chairs and settled in. Directly behind me within the far wall of the bar was a giant fish tank holding an array of colorful sea creatures, strangely shaped fish, and bright coral. It was a world within our world, carrying on their lives as if they weren’t placed behind glass for the entertainment of others.

From my vantage point, I could survey the growing crowd, which included a good number of the same faces from today’s hearing. My gaze settled on the profile of a man I’d never met, but his exploits were well renowned. Though young, he didn’t have a problem with standing by his convictions. The junior senator from Oregon could just possibly be the person to help swing the vote our way. Oregon was one state where Demetri wasn’t invested. Maybe it was time? As I stood to introduce myself, a waitress approached.

“Hey honey,” she purred, “can I get you something?” Her eyes scanned from my face to my feet and back to my eyes as her smile grew even wider. Maybe it was because if someone had looked at Charli the way this woman had just looked at me, I’d lose my shit. Instead of feeling flattered, her attention turned my stomach. I’d much rather be back with Charli.

“Grey goose, straight up.”

“Sure thing, honey. I’ll be right back.” She winked. “If I can do anything else, don’t hesitate to ask?”

“Drink’s all I need.”

“Suit yourself, but the night’s young. You can always change your mind.”

Her plastic smile never wavered as she walked away, her hips suggestively swaying from side to side.

“Looks like you could have some company tonight, if you’re so inclined.”

I turned toward the voice of Severus Davis, who now had landed his hand upon my shoulder.

“I’m not so inclined,” I replied.

He nodded toward a woman I knew wasn’t his wife, Maura, nor was she Chelsea. He puffed his chest. “I’m a little tied up myself.” Lifting his brow, he asked, “If you know what I mean?”

I wasn’t sure why he felt the need to share or why he thought I’d be interested. It wasn’t as if I was about to suggest a three-way with the waitress.


The woman who’d been with him walked away and settled at the blue bar. The way her long bare legs were crossed suggestively at the knee caused her skirt to ride higher on her thighs. Her breasts were covered, but the material of the blouse was tight enough to make out the straps of her bra. Her center of gravity was definitely ill-proportioned. If she wasn’t careful, she could topple over into the drink she’d just ordered.

As we both sat and he mumbled something else about his companion, I thought about how hearing the details of Davis’s sex life was not on my list of desirable activities.

“Your wife is welcome to join us,” I suggested.

Severus laughed. “My wife doesn’t travel with me, not if she can avoid it. Catalina does.”

Nodding, I pursed my lips. “That’s convenient.”

He shrugged. “She’s new, but so far I like what I’ve seen.” He leaned closer. “And there isn’t much I haven’t seen.” He looked around. “Where’s that cute little waitress that’s hot for you. Flag her down. I could use a drink.”

“New? You recently became involved?” This wasn’t any of my business, but I wanted to know what the hell happened to our plant. Why wasn’t Chelsea the one with him, learning his secrets?

“Yep.” He inclined his head toward the bar. “Real looker. I’d say more, but I plan to have her around for a while.”

“I would suspect in your line of work it’s difficult to know who you can trust.”

“It can be.”

“Congratulations on finding someone.” I tried to push my questions about Chelsea and Infidelity out of my head. Something had obviously happened and as soon as I got back to the room, I intended to find out what. Changing the subject, I asked, “Now, what progress were you talking about earlier today?”

“I’d say this is an example of knowing who I can trust. Is that someone you?”

The waitress returned with my drink. I swirled the colorless liquor as Davis ordered his own poison and told her to put Catalina’s drinks on his bill.

She turned back my way. “Would you like me to put your vodka on your room, sweetie?”

I grinned. Certainly sweetheart, let me give you that number. “No.” I pulled a hundred-dollar bill from my money clip. “Keep them coming, I’ve got it covered.”

“Sure thing.” Her lips teased a smile as she turned and walked away.

“Shame,” Davis said. “Look at those legs. There’s a lot that could be done—”

“Severus, to answer your question, trust is a two-way street. First, why don’t you fill me in on your thoughts about the uninformative meeting with my father?”

“WHO IN THE hell is Catalina? Is she from Infidelity? What happened to Chelsea?” My questions came fast and furious.

“Mr. Demetri, I’ll try to explain.”

I gripped my phone tighter as I paced back and forth in front of the windows. In my current state I didn’t notice that the lights of Washington DC shimmered stories below. “Mrs. Witt…” If we were going to play this professional tone, I was ready. “…this was your plan. This was your idea, and now it seems to have been blown to hell. I’m not accustomed to incompetence coming from you. What happened to Chelsea?”

“She interviewed with Infidelity while in California. She was accepted as an employee. Her profile was being assimilated just the other day. I’d kept Severus Davis’s request on the back burner, hidden to the Infidelity staff. That was where it all stood the last time I looked, not more than a few days ago. Something must have happened.”

“You think?” I felt the vein in my neck throbbing. This fucking day needed to end and the next two along with it, so I could be back with Charli.

“Mr. Demetri, for the last thirty hours I’ve concentrated on you and Miss Collins. You’re both alive and safe. That was my prime objective.”

“Tell me that Charli is still in Westchester and dear old Dad hasn’t made any more calls.”

“She is and he hasn’t. As she told you, she’s demanding to go to class tomorrow.”

I ran my free hand through my hair as I collapsed on the sofa. “I’d rather have her safe where she is. That house is a fortress.” My chest seized as I started to say that it was the safest place for her to be, but I knew that even in that haven, tragedy could happen.

As I collected my thoughts, Deloris spoke. “It is. Obviously, what happened before won’t happen again. Silvia is there. She’s making sure.”

Silvia had been gone that horrible night. She was never gone—or at least rarely. I hadn’t known Jo would be alone for the night. It wasn’t like there would have been others in our apartment. I was working. But at least if she’d been in the city there would have been people nearby instead of iron gates and impenetrable perimeters.

“What’s the new guy’s name?” I asked, changing the subject to Charli’s new bodyguard.

“Clayton. He’s not new.”

“Jerrod wasn’t new either.” The day had been too long. My filter was gone.

“Jerrod swears he didn’t intend any harm. It was simply a family request or so he was told.”

I was immediately on my feet. “And he fucking thinks that’s okay, to deliver secret letters to my girlfriend who’s living in my home? The man is fired.”

“Yes, sir. That wasn’t a question.”

“Make sure Clayton is with her. I don’t care if he has to sit in her damn class.”

“She told you about the GPS on her phone?”

“Yes,” I answered with a little less determination.

Earlier today when I’d called Charli, she didn’t answer and her GPS was off. Well, when she called back, I was on the verge of blowing a gasket.

My head was about to explode.