Deception (Infidelity #3)

“Alex, what would you like me to tell him?” Silvia asked.

I straightened my shoulders. I wasn’t good at waiting for permission to speak. If Nox had spoken to his father, then I could too. “Please tell him I’ll be right there.” I looked around. “I don’t believe I’ve been to the office. Can you show me?”

I nodded to Deloris who was still doing her best to reassure my mother of my well-being and followed Silvia from the sitting room. Ironically, I recalled seeing Oren Demetri for the first time in that room, sitting very close to where Deloris now sat.

The office was as beautiful as the rest of the house. It too was walled with windows: one side looked out to a patio, surrounded by greenery that I remembered led to the pool deck. The other wall of windows looked out to the pool itself, with the sound beyond.

“How could anyone get work done in here with that amazing view?” I asked as Silvia lifted the phone on the desk.

She smiled her response before hitting a button and speaking. “Mr. Demetri, Miss Collins is here.” She handed me the phone. “I’ll ask Mrs. Witt to give you a few minutes.”

“Thank you, Silvia,” I said, sitting behind the desk. Before I spoke, I saw the piece of paper, folded in half and lying on the ink blotter. On the outside was sprawled Charli~.

Unlike Bryce’s writing, Nox’s script was neat, flowing and legible. I’d asked him about it once, and he’d blamed Catholic school. A smile came to my lips, imagining Lennox Demetri being instructed by mean nuns. Maybe that was where he acquired his delectation for corporal punishment.


My office is your office, like my heart. It belongs to you.

The password to access Internet is…

My cheeks warmed as I read. Each little thing that Nox did endeared him more and more to me. Alton would never give anyone, not even my mother, full access to his office or his computer.

Though I can’t wait to take you up on your offer and punish your sexy ass for making me hard with just memories of you, I will travel easier knowing you’re here and safe.

Don’t disappoint me. If you do, I guarantee you will not be sitting comfortably for a while.


Your Nox

My Nox.

I shifted in the big leather chair, my backside tingling with phantom repercussions of that threat. At the same time the blush from my cheeks blossomed, warming my entire body as I sat, thankful that he’d folded this note so that Silvia couldn’t read his affection or warning.

I suddenly wondered if talking to Nox’s father would be considered disappointing him? I didn’t have time to consider it before Oren’s voice came through the handset.

“Miss Collins.” His tone was deep-sounding like Nox’s, though Oren’s had more of an accent. If Nox sounded like his father, I would have known his roots ran deep in Brooklyn.

“Alex, please call me Alex, Mr. Demetri.”

“Likewise, Alex, I believe I’ve already asked you to call me Oren.”

There was something in his tone that put me on alert and made me sit taller. “Yes, Oren. Thank you for calling.”

“Now, you don’t know why I called. Perhaps you should hold off on the gratitude.”

“All right?” I replied.

“I’m happy to hear you sound strong and safe. When I spoke with my son earlier today, he was rather concerned.”

“It was a frightening experience,” I admitted.

“But you are all right, no injuries?”

I shook my head. “I’m fine. I’m concerned about the woman who was struck.”

“That’s kind of you, but she really isn’t your concern.”

“Your son is.”

“Excuse me?” he asked.

“Your son is my concern. I’m worried about him. I’m here in your home. I’m safe. He’s not. He’s on his way to Washington.” As soon as I mentioned Nox’s destination, my stomach twisted. What if he didn’t want his father to know where he was?

“Yes. He’s doing his job for Demetri Enterprises. That’s why I called to speak to you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“My son has taken a shine to you. Alex, you may not realize this, but it has been a long time since anyone has distracted Lennox from his responsibilities. Since that time, he’s done many beneficial things for our company. I don’t want to see his talents wasted.”

My neck stiffened. “Perhaps you need to explain yourself. I’m not following you.”

“Come now. I’ve done my research. You’re a very intelligent woman. It should be obvious to you that in the short time since the two of you met, Lennox’s attention has been less on his work and more on you. There are deals that won’t wait. There are responsibilities that we cannot afford to have him neglect.”

“If you’ve done your research, you’re aware that I too have responsibilities. I should be in class today, not sitting in Lennox’s home.”

“My home. And you’re a guest. You’re welcome as long as my son wants you there. I want you to understand, however, that if being with you puts my son’s life in danger, I will do all I can to discourage your association.”

I blinked a few times, trying to make sense of his words. “You’re blaming me for what happened today?”

“I’m not blaming anyone. I’m simply stating the fact that before his attention was diverted, my son was not being shot at.”

“This may come as a shock, but today was my first shooting, too.”

Oren’s laugh rumbled through the handset. “Bravo, Alexandria.”

“Excuse me?”

“You have forza! And I like it. It’s obvious what Lennox sees in you.”

Forza? What the hell was that?

“Strength,” Oren answered before I could question.

Maybe it was a Demetri trait—the ability to answer unasked questions.

“I apologize,” he went on, “for my insinuations. You aren’t like she was. I get the feeling you’re not pining away, waiting for him to return. As you said, you have your own responsibilities. You’re beautiful like your mother but have your father’s forza d’animo.”

More Italian. I’d need a translator if this conversation was to continue. Instead of asking for the meaning, I replied, “Oren, Alton Fitzgerald isn’t my father. He’s my stepfather, and saying that I have any of his qualities, in my opinion, is not a compliment.”

“Alexandria, I was not speaking of Alton Fitzgerald. That man is a pig. I hope my assessment doesn’t offend. I was speaking of your father, Russell Collins.”

I stared at the beautiful room, the windows, the furnishings, and the ornate bookcases, but none of it registered. “Did you know my father?”

“I do.”

What the hell?

“Oren, my father died when I was three years old.”

“You’re right. Russell Collins died.”

“What does that mean?”

“I only meant that you would make him proud. He would be very pleased with the young woman you have become.”

The entire conversation was making me uncomfortable. “Thank you for calling. I have no intentions of hurting your son. His safety and his success are my main priorities.”

“Don’t let them be.”


“Don’t give up your dreams for my son. He isn’t worth it.”

Indignation rose. How dare Oren Demetri call, question Nox’s and my relationship, and then demean his own son? “I would disagree; however, the point is moot. He has encouraged my dreams as I have his. It’s what two people do who love one another.”

“Hmm, I do appreciate your forza. Goodbye, for now, Alex. This conversation has been enlightening.”

I couldn’t disagree more. If anything, it left me totally puzzled.

“Goodbye, Oren. I’ll be sure to tell Nox you called.”

“That’s your choice, dear.”

The line went dead.

Slowly, I returned the handset to the cradle and stared at the phone.

What the hell had that been about? Was he telling me he didn’t want me dating Nox, and then saying he did? What about my father? How did he know both my mother and my father? Maybe he knew them as a couple.

The repeated rapping of a knock upon the door pulled me from my questions.

“Come in,” I called.