Deception (Infidelity #3)

I offered her my hand.

She shook her head dismissively as she asked, “You’re telling me that someone tried to shoot us and missed, hitting a mother instead?”

“We don’t know who they were trying to shoot. It happened so fast. Security saw her fall, but they couldn’t stop it. She just happened to move between us and the shooter at the right time.”

“Right time? Nox, that woman is a mother! She’s in surgery and may never see her child again. Her child may never know her because she was jogging near us…”

Charli’s words trailed away as she crumpled onto the tile.

I reached for her shoulders. “It’s tragic, but she very well could have unknowingly saved our lives. Saved your life. I’ll help her and her family as much as I can. But, Charli—God forgive me—I’d sacrifice a hundred mothers, a million people to keep you safe.”

Taking my hand, she stood, her body falling into mine.

Scooping her into my arms, I carried her to the bed, pulled back the covers, and lowered her body to the mattress, and then sat beside her. With a few adjustments, I ensured her comfort as I arranged the pillows and blankets, all the while trying not to notice the tears that silently coated her cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” I offered again, wiping a tear with the pad of my thumb. I sat straight, suppressing the emotion my decision evoked. I’d wallow in it later. Now was about being strong for Charli. “The best way to keep you safe is to stop whatever this is between us.”

Charli’s eyes, which had been nearly closed, opened wide. “No.” Her voice was resilient and determined.

“I can’t let…”

She reached for my chest, her fingers lingering on the small buttons of my shirt. “Can I trust you?”

My gaze narrowed. “Of course.”

“So what you tell me is the truth?”

My indignation grew. What the hell was she talking about? “Yes, unequivocally.”

“You wouldn’t tell me something just to make me feel better?”

“If you’re talking about that woman, she’s in surgery. As soon as I hear more, I’ll—”

“No, Nox,” she said, stopping me. “I’m not talking about that woman. I’m talking about what you said to me in the park. What you said moments before all hell broke loose.”

Head bowed, my chin collided with my chest as I reached for her beautiful face. Even with the tears and frightful pallor, she was stunning. Her current line of questioning returned a hue of pink to her cheeks. “I told you that I loved you,” I said. “I haven’t said those words since…”

She reached for my cheeks and pulled me closer. Just before our lips met, she said, “I’ve never said those words, and Lennox Demetri…” She brushed a soft kiss on me. “…I love you. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

The pressure from everything that had happened came boiling out. Moisture threatened my vision as the scene before me lost focus. I pulled her closer, not wanting her to see my weakness. With a lump in my throat, I said, “I love you so much. I can’t lose you.”

“I’m here. I’m safe.”

Without thinking I ripped away the blankets I’d only recently used to cover her. As soon as they were gone, I reached for the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. “I need to see you.”

Charli didn’t argue or protest. She lifted her arms and hips, allowing me to remove her clothing, piece by piece, until I’d exposed each and every inch of her beautiful body.

“Stand up.”

After only a moment’s hesitation, she swallowed and did as I commanded. Totally nude, she stood before me.

“Turn around.”

She slowly rotated as my eyes moved up and down her gorgeous body, scrutinizing her sexy curves, and athletic angles.

No holes. Not even a scratch. She was perfect in every way.

With her magnificent body completely bare, I offered her my hand and pulled her to me. Warm and safe, I drank in her presence. Soft, round breasts met me at nearly eye level as I remained seated on the edge of the bed. They fit perfectly in the palm of my hand as my fingers tenderly caressed each one, eliciting soft mews from her lips as her nipples darkened and turned to hard, pebbled peaks.

Reaching for her waist, I pivoted, returning her to the bed, her long red hair fanning around her serene face. Calm and surreal, she lay still, before lifting her arms above her head and giving herself to me, mine for the taking. With only the tips of my fingers I grazed her warm skin. From the inside of her wrists to her shoulders, her collarbone to her breasts, with both hands I circled her waist and hips. Whimpers filled the room as goose bumps appeared in the wake of my exploration.


Safe and complete—the mantra repeated until my brain accepted it as fact.

Her eyes that had watched my every move were now closed as she concentrated on my touch. No longer content to allow my hands the thrill of discovery, my lips joined the mission.

“O-oh, Nox.”

I spread her legs and lowered myself to her core. Only moments before she’d been distraught. No longer. Now, her entire body shivered with need. I’d found an outlet for the emotion that had been pent up inside of me, and she was delicious.

Charli’s fingernails dug into scalp and her knees parted as she encouraged my actions. My first taste was slow and deep, sweet and enticing. Her hips bucked as my tongue lapped and swirled around her clit. I wanted to make her forget, to make her feel safe. I wanted to take her mind to better places. Lick by lick she responded, withering under my command.

And then the dam I’d attempted to construct within myself burst. My self-control dissolved into her chorus of moans and sounds of ecstasy. No longer did I seek only to please; I was starving for the delicacy before me. Like a man deprived of nutrients, I needed more.

Her hips writhed beneath my unrelenting grasp as I sucked her essence. Each drop was but an appetizer, a hors d’oeuvre that only whetted my appetite. My name joined the other sounds filling the air around us as her legs stiffened and body convulsed.

“P-please,” she begged breathlessly.

I didn’t need to hear more. In seconds my shoes hit the floor. My pants and boxers were below my knees. I released my rock-hard length, now throbbing in my own grasp.

Her veiled eyes stared into mine. When her gaze dropped to my erection, the smile she’d kept tamed beamed in anticipation as her lower lip disappeared between her teeth. We kissed, my teeth tugging her lip free as her tongue sought out her own taste. Though I wasn’t sure it was possible, I grew even harder.